Wonder. A lot of ice cream biking is spent alone, and it allows - TopicsExpress


Wonder. A lot of ice cream biking is spent alone, and it allows for a lot of wondering. I see lots of folks downtown and lots of them have become familiar faces. Last week I had the pleasure of seeing a gal that I see downtown often in a different context. We were both working an event together (for my fall/winter/spring job). I knew she would “know” me, but that in this context she didn’t….I was incognito. Most of the time when this happens I don’t identify myself as Mrs. Delicious. So we were at this event and for whatever reason I felt compelled to make a connection with her. I walked up to her and it went something like this: Me: We don’t know each other, but I see you all the time downtown. I ride a trike with ice cream. She: (enormous smile and knowing eyes) Me: I think you are often out with maybe a sister?? She: Yes! My sister! Well, we’ll have to stop and say hello now that we know each other! Which today, brings me back to all my wondering…..I wonder what would happen if each of us took the time to notice someone unexpected. Not necessarily “do” anything, but just notice someone who may be often unnoticed by the masses, acknowledge that even if we can’t find any other common thread, “Here we are, together sharing the same space at this time and I see you, and just for today you being yourself is ok and enough.” What frightens me is not so much the terrible things we see, but the beautiful things we don’t see. What if we really, in earnest, thought about whether we avoid people because we feel genuinely that our safety is at risk…..or perhaps, are we just fearing our own discomfort? There are a lot of decisions that get made these days (at the risk of being political) out of fear of scarcity. We live in a place of tremendous abundance. We live in a world that has the means to provide food and shelter and medical care for everyone…..and we don’t. Fear of scarcity. Fear of “not enough to go around” and a whole lot of “us/them” thinking. I wonder. I wonder what would happen if we started to think while making policies that there is plenty. I wonder. I wonder what would happen if we looked at each newborn baby and said, “You deserve food and clothing and shelter and to be noticed.”, not because you’re American or middle class or because you mom isn’t an addict or your dad is mentally well……but because your isness is enough. You is and so we are, I see you and you are worthy. I dont know what would happen, but Id sure love to find out. Live Tomorrow’s Life Today, Mrs. Delicious P.S. I’ll likely be out Wed evening in the Rose Garden.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:10:52 +0000

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