Wonderful Wednesday! “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, - TopicsExpress


Wonderful Wednesday! “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself” – John 12:32 Jesus said He will draw all men to Himself when He’s lifted up from the earth. “All men?” Yes, every woman, man and child will “lift up Jesus.” However, there are two ways Jesus is lifted up. Either we praise Him or we crucify Him. Psalm 63:4 says, “I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands.” He alone can save, so we lift Him up as our substitute for the penalty of sin. But there’s another way that Jesus is “lifted up.” He said that when He is lifted up, He would draw all men to Himself. “He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die” (John 12:33). That death, of course, was crucifixion. So all people will either lift Jesus up as a sacrifice for sin or, in effect, join those who lifted Him up on a cross. Some may wish to be neutral, neither for nor against the Lord, but that’s not possible. We live our days with hands raised, praising our precious Lord, or we join those who applaud the crucifixion. Good Day!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:56:39 +0000

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