Wonderful insight. Disagreement among the saints. Not unique to - TopicsExpress


Wonderful insight. Disagreement among the saints. Not unique to our time. However, remarkably, these two groups, ones we might consider political opposites in their positions when it came to matters of military aggression, did not despise, argue with or contest with each other. Instead of becoming divided by their differing political opinions, they supported each other in their respective rights to act according to their moral positions. The people of Ammon were supportive (and likely also grateful) for the protection of the Nephites who volunteered to fight off the Lamanites who were attacking them. It would have been a natural human response to be, instead, simultaneously dismissive of the Nephites position that military might is a necessary skill to learn, perfect and use. It would have been easy for them to insist, therefore, that their sons choose non-violent response as well. But they did not. They allowed their sons to make their own choices. Remarkably, the Nephite position was similarly respectful. They actually encouraged the people of Ammon who had made a sacred commitment to non-violence to maintain that commitment while, at the same time, intending to do whatever was necessary to fight of the Lamanites who sought to destroy them both. They respected the people of Ammons moral response to a terrifying situation even while they felt a moral responsibility to respond in a way that was directly the opposite. snowymornings.blogspot/2014/08/when-saints-differ.html
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:17:03 +0000

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