Wonderful product review by one customer that I just loved. I can - TopicsExpress


Wonderful product review by one customer that I just loved. I can relate with the viewpoint and im hoping the results as soon as I get my first wrap started. ***I will post my before and after pics for you all. Be warned!*** I should start by saying that Im just an average guy with little to no experience when it comes to the world of nutrition and exercise who, for all intents and purposes, has a crappy diet. In fact, if you were to fully take the advice of anyone on this product based solely on their background in the aforementioned industries or anyone else thats an alleged health professional that knows better than you do, Id probably be the last person youd want to hear the opinion of. I dont sell this product myself, and am in no way getting any kind of incentive to say what Im about to say here. In fact, I actually came back to this link today (17MAR12) to place a second order based on the results I had with it and felt compelled to at least offer another opinion to contrast the learned statements of the professionals in this industry. When I bought this a couple of months ago, I too did a lot of research into it to see if there were any overtly negative comments concerning the product and, ultimately, I found that the reviews were mixed across all users. Some said it worked wonders, while just as many others claimed it was all marketing hype promoted by sellers of the product and other clandestine agencies. So, I looked at it pragmatically like anything else in this type of body shaping industry: is the cost too prohibitive to allow the risk financially? For me, at the time I purchased, the answer was no, I can afford to lose 20 bucks or so if this doesnt work out. Additionally, I went into this sale knowing and fully expecting the worst results, if any, prepared to at least walk away having spent 20 dollars for knowledge on what not to do next time if it came to that. Of course, this approach to life isnt for everyone, but its what works for me. I followed the directions to the letter once the item arrived. In fact, I even took the additional initiative to add extra compression through the use of the MANX compression Tee to try and facilitate the process. And, for the sake of testing, I changed nothing else in my life leading up to the use of the product nor after for the sake of the evaluation (eg. no change to diet, exercise, etc.). With the help of my wife, I measured my waist and was at a portly 42 inches before using the product. After its use, we re-measured and I came out at about 40 inches. Was it a dramatic improvement? For most easy-fix types, this was probably an abject failure. But, for me, this worked out great. I not only fit better in my pants, but my confidence went up just a bit. Could the results have been better or worse given a second or third application with modified diet and exercise? Well, Id like to believe anything could be improved with a modified diet and exercise, but that of course takes effort. For a trial run of this product based on changing absolutely nothing in my life, I think it worked out just fine for me. Will you get the same results I did if you do exactly the same thing that I did, or any other reviewer here thats given it an above marginal review, has done? I really dont know. In fact, Im not even sure if I can faithfully replicate my results from before when I try this again. I have nothing but my own anecdotal experience to back this up, but Im a firm believer that there are far too many genetic and lifestyle variables in humanity to say that any one thing whether it be a pill, a cookie, or a wrap can act as a magic bullet to long term weight/body fat loss. Thats part of the reason that I gave it 4 stars instead of 5; to say 5 seems to suggest its a sure fire guarantee to work for everyone. That being said though, the better question I would have for you is this: since youre here reading this and all of the other reviews, do you think its at least worth trying out even though it might not work for you for any reason? If the answer is yes, its worth trying out, Id say the worst case scenario would be that you walk away with a 20 dollar lesson of knowing its not for you. Judge for yourself after youve listened to both sides no matter what it is, and then look at it pragmatically as it relates to your wallet; thats what works for me. amazon/gp/pdp/profile/A2VUYBZ1XTZQT2/ref=cm_cr_rdp_pdp What do you think of this review? What have you heard about the product?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:28:28 +0000

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