Wonderful question from our brother, friend and fellow student in - TopicsExpress


Wonderful question from our brother, friend and fellow student in the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and member of our Native INDEGINOUS American Family, brother Davi Trusty: Davi Trusty: Allow me to pose this question brother Rasul Muhammad, is Master Fard Muhammad the savior raised among the 2 million Indians also because according to the teachings we are the same people? Am I understanding that correctly? Rasul Muhammad: Master Fard Muhammad is the Saviour of us ALL the ab-original people in this Western Hemisphere of North America. Ab original means from the first according to the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people are all members of the Original People of the earth. The Work of restoration and resurrection Spiritually and Mentally of the whole of Humanity started with us the Black man and woman found here in the hells of North America WITH THE 2,000,000 so-called Indians whos blood extends into nearly 50 million so-called Hispanic People and over 80% of Black people of AFRICAN decent in this country. The SAVIOUR Master FARD Muhammad was not simply looking for a hue, but a unique condition to show forth HIS Messianic Power to transform lives that had been totally corrupted and culturally destroyed under White supremacy. According to our teaching in the Nation Of Islam, the appearance of the Mahdi or Self-Guided One is in fact the coming of GOD in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. The one that is raised from amongst the chosen people of GOD which are the Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people is the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He is the actual Messiah that accompanies the Mahdi in the resurrection mission that is prophesied to come at the end of the time of the Devils rule over us. My grandmother, the Mother of my Father known as Mother Marie Muhammad who passed back in the 1950s before I was born was said to have been three quarters Native American. I am not sure of the exact INDEGINOUS Tribe she may have come from, I am only illustrating the genealogy and blood tie relationship between the Black and Red people of GOD that salvation has come for. The Native American people are critical and Divinely significant in the overall resurrection of us all, the original people of this land and the earth. When the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad established a home in Pheonix, Arizona in the early 1960s; the Leader and Head Chief of the Mascalero Indeginous Tribe of New Mexico, sent his nephew a young man then of about 19 years of age known as Little Bear to pick-up my Father and bring him to their reservation lands. Imagin the Leader of the Nation Of Islam getting into a pick-up truck ALONE traveling on the road from Pheonix, Arizona to New Mexico and dropped off to spend the night with our Mascalero Family strategically building our historic and future relationship with not only that tribe but all of the 2 million so-called Indians of North America. There are many untold stories of the strategic Leadership of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad that were futuristic moves in preparation of a time that is just about now marking the coming together of ALL the chosen people of ALLAH. Please be not discouraged by the ignorance of many of our people. They are challenged with what all of the chosen people of GOD in the past who received a Messenger and Revelation stumbled over. They all thought at a certain point that salvation was just for them. So they did not even try to save anybody else that may have culturally differed from them. Many of my people are a little stuck on Black as a color, so their expressions do not include the very significant Brown, Red and Yellow hued members of their own family. We are often like the expressions of a child who is discovering its own and uses possessive terms to identify everything. Like this is my room, my bed, my toy, my house, my Mommy, my Daddy not yours... Lol! You will find that same childish mentality amongst your own tribal brethren. Ignore it and dont let it distract or discourage you in your Spiritual growth course into the Wisdom of a Universal GOD Who made us into tribes so that we might KNOW one another. :-) I hope ALLAH Blessed me to answer your question. I remain your brother and friend by GODs Permission. #shareRASUL
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:07:29 +0000

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