Wonderful words of godly wisdom. Stay in Faith! Creflo - TopicsExpress


Wonderful words of godly wisdom. Stay in Faith! Creflo Dollar Have you ever been faced with a situation that looked and seemed impossible? All of us will go through challenges and circumstances that test our faith to the utmost extent. The key to overcoming impossible situations is to stay in faith and refuse to move from your stand on the Word of God. Whatever you may be going through, there is a promise in the Bible that provides the answer. You simply must not waver when the enemy tries to distract your focus. One of the keys to maintaining strong faith in the midst of afflictions and tough circumstances is to continually confess God’s Word. Confession of the Word not only releases the power of God into the situation, but it builds faith into your heart, which enables you to weather the storms of life. Man is a tri-part being—he is a spirit who possesses a soul, and lives in a physical body. The spirit of man is where faith resides and from which faith proceeds. When you confess God’s Word, you hear yourself saying the Scriptures and the faith of God is deposited in your spirit. The Word, when planted in your heart like seed in soil, will produce results. Everything necessary for victory in life has been deposited in the born again spirit of a man. That means that when we face impossible situations we shouldn’t be waiting on God to do something; we should tap into the power that is already within us. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Healing, deliverance, abundance, and prosperity in spirit, soul, and body are spiritual blessings that belong to us. When we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, we obtain an inheritance of spiritual resources that are designed to equip us to dominate in the earth. Getting a revelation of what already belongs to us is critical to being an overcomer in life. We even possess the spirit of might, which is the ability to do anything. The Word says that we have received the fullness of His power (John 1:16). Knowing this, we can no longer go through life defeated by what the enemy throws at us. Whether it is sickness and disease, poverty, lack, or emotional oppression, we have the victory. Unleashing the power and faith of God requires consistently confessing God’s Word. This should be a regular part of every Christian’s life. Philemon 1:4-6 says that we should acknowledge every good thing that is within us. Essentially, this means we are to declare what we possess spiritually through our relationship with Jesus Christ. If we need healing, we should declare that the healing power of God is resident in our reborn spirits. If it is prosperity we need, we should confess that prosperity belongs to us according to the Word of God. To confess something means to acknowledge, or admit that it is true. When we confess the Word we are making a declaration that it is the final authority in our lives. Confessing the Word is a key way to stay in faith, especially when the appearance of the situation looks bleak. Believers are to walk by faith, not by what they perceive with their five senses. The spiritual realm, what we possess in our spirits, and the Word of God are more real than anything we might see in the natural realm. If we refuse to come off the Word, we will see the end of our faith. The primary attack every person faces when they are in a faith battle is the enemy attempting to use the things we perceive with our senses to move us from our stance on the Word. It is the time period between releasing our faith and seeing the actual manifestation that is where the biggest fight occurs. No matter what Satan does to try and distract you, don’t come off the Word. If you stay in faith and keep your mind focused on the Lord, He will bring you out with flying colors. Victory belongs to the person who refuses to let go of the Word.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:25:50 +0000

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