Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 2, 2014 Day 2 - Goa - TopicsExpress


Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 2, 2014 Day 2 - Goa Outreach Transformation is continuous it never stops. During the transition period many people dont go with you, if you are not prepared for the transition period then your heart and mind will get tired, you need to change your heart and mind to go with God. Dont let your emotions run you. Take control of your emotions. If you are disturbed all the while in your heart and mind then you are stuck somewhere; your transformation has stopped you are not sober in your heart and mind. You have got intoxicated by people around you. You have to be positive and follow the WORD completely, rather than doing things yourself. 1. How do you transform? By renewing your mind! the moment you get disturbed sit renew your mind - go back to the word, read the scriptures. when youre disturbed dont go and talk to the people dont go back to the world. 2. How will you know that youre communicating with God? If you are communicating with God; God will answer all your questions and answer all your prayers. But are you listening to God? He is answering your prayer. 3. Make the right decision a) Satan always fights for the body - Soul goes to Heaven or Hell - Spirit belongs to God no one can touch it. b) Mind does the thinking - Will brings feeling - Emotions brings desire. Eve saw the fruit she thought it was good; she felt like eating it the desire grew in her and that decision was wrong. Satan always puts wrong things in your heart dont let it touch you. when you have to make decisions rely only on the word - go to word. Go back to the word and think/meditate. Thinking will produce feeling - you will start feeling something.Those feelings will lead you to take decisions. Those decision will interpret your actions and the actions your character. If youre having a feeling know whether it is good or bad, communicate from the heart. In the garden of gethsemane, Jesus was crying he was filled with emotions he kept coming to the disciples and waking them up but at the end he went back to the word not my will but your will be done and He was victorious. LIVE IN THE SPIRIT
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:17:11 +0000

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