Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 8, 2014 Day 1 - Mumbai - TopicsExpress


Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 8, 2014 Day 1 - Mumbai Retreat When we lose a loved one there is just one question - why God? Nobody knows what awaits after death. But one thing for sure, we end up being angry with God, is this the right thing to do? a sober mind would not be angry with God, holding on to our anger will only bring bitterness and resentment in our hearts. 1. Problems are in the Soul. Most of us have not understood death, God is not a taker He is a receiver and a giver - we give Him our sufferings, wounds, pains, and bondage, He receives them and in return gives us healing and restoration. Great is His love, but understand that death only kills the body. Man loves the body so much that we go through great length and medical science to keep the body alive. Body is nothing but a housing for the soul and spirit, however man is not happy and runs after a palace, he runs after a bigger house i.e the body instead of the soul. There is a battle going on for our soul. Man is a spirit being, nothing will happen to the spirit. God blew His breath, His Spirit in Adam. Remember sin is not in the spirit, but in your mind, thinking, emotions, feelings which come from the soul. The attack is on our minds and the devil distracts our soul. Romans 12:1-3 speaks to us about renewing our minds, of grace that helps us to not think highly of ourselves, of transformation of our mind by sober thinking. 2. Make your decisions in the Spirit. There are times when things go wrong, you speak wrongly, you have wrong influences this is when our thinking isnt sober. Dont take any decisions when you are hurt or happy. Ask yourself Am I sober in my thinking? Your thinking should go by the Word of God as in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Everytime you need something you have to go back to the WORD. 3. The 10 steps that will help you to reach the right destination. 1. Hearing the Word of God puts sober thoughts in your mind. 2. Right thinking will give you right feelings. 3. Right feelings will reveal right decisions. 4. Right decisions will lead to right actions. 5. Right actions will form good habits. 6. Good habits will form good character. 7. Good character will lead you to the right destination. 8. Right destination will lead you to life. 9. Life will lead you to Heaven and finally. 10.You reach God. 4. Vice-versa if you do not adhere to the Word of God. 1. Wrong thoughts. 2. Wrong feelings. 3. Wrong decisions. 4. Wrong actions. 5. Wrong habit. 6. Bad character. 7. Wrong destination. 8. Death. 9. Hell. 10.Devil. 5. Healing is in the Spirit. We have to starting living in the Spirit. Work with your spirit and not your soul. Start training your soul to take right decisions, you will be judged by your soul. Every time a decision is made, a habit is formed, right character is formed. The devil distracts the soul and attacks the mind, he wants to steal Gods blessings from you and wants you to have a short life. If you Live in the Spirit you will live forever. Jesus came in the form of man. After being baptized in the Jordan river, He received the Holy Spirit, and from there He began working miracles. Healing is in the Spirit. When you pray there should be perfect communication with God. God needs someone to talk to Him. Listen to what God has to tell you. Speak in the language of God - Spirit. When you walk in the Spirit, nobody will touch you. Get to God, go back to his His Word and Live in the Spirit. LIVE IN THE SPIRIT
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:39:34 +0000

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