Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 9, 2014 Day 2 - Mumbai - TopicsExpress


Word Shared by Br. Manuel on November 9, 2014 Day 2 - Mumbai Retreat Man is Body, Soul & Spirit - Sin cannot enter the spirit and emotions come from the soul, it is important that we must work on our soul and discipline our body. It takes discipline to reject a wrong thought or desire that may feel good to our flesh. Get out of your fleshly desires, learn what is your death situation the negatives which gets you intoxicated; leading to decisions based on emotions. 1. Stand firm Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Stand your ground and get your mind on Him - the devil will try to push you and show you how hopeless your situation is. Dont move, keep a sober mind, get back to the Word and maintain your perfect peace. If you live in peace the inclination of your heart will be proper, stay in peace whatever happens for God will give you protection. 2. Master emotions Jesus never allowed his emotions to control him, even in the garden of gethsemane, when Jesus was in agony, He disciplined His emotions. He was depressed and disturbed; He was emotional in the final hours before; He was crucified. Despite that Jesus mastered His emotions when He said, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Jesus chose to deny His emotions to fulfill His reason for coming to earth, he didnt let it move Him away from the will of God for His life. Even if the situation is overwhelming - Move forward, dont get stuck and keep praying. Stay in peace and the hour will pass by. Work on your emotions and move out of your soul - start living in the spirit. 3. Dont be deceived by flesh Our flesh will want to be bigger than the spirit. Flesh will want to give you, what the spirit can give; like a magician - flesh wants to be the source and resource. Flesh will fight with the spirit to be the source. Source is only the spirit, source comes from God. If our source is God then we should not rely on the flesh. We have not disciplined our flesh and hence we give in, we could have avoided but we are weak in flesh and make an easy decision which leads us on to a path that takes us out of the spirit; and we begin to wait upon the flesh to provide. Many of us are struggling with lust in our lives, lust will do anything to get its way in our life. What you did not want to do, you end up doing because of lust. Flesh will dominate you, the only way to break this yoke is to pray and move forward. You are being deceived in the flesh, you are struggling in the body and soul - give the Spirit a chance to work in your life. God is holding you. Pray, Walk and Live in the Spirit!! LIVE IN THE SPIRIT
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:49:31 +0000

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