Word Weaver had a warm and cozy fall meeting on October - TopicsExpress


Word Weaver had a warm and cozy fall meeting on October 8th.. Because good times are worth remembering, here is what happened at our October 8th meeting. Word Weavers had a fun and cozy meeting on October 8th. With Martin as toastmaster of the evening we were in good hands and Christa got us laughing by beginning the evening with a joke. The first of the speeches was held by Andrea. Her speech was entitled „ Red Ridinghood – the True Story“(from the Storytelling manual project #1 The Folktale). For this Andrea asked us to all sit in a small circle around her, which was really cozy and a great setting to listen to this well-known fairy tale, but with a twist! The story contained the characters of the original tale but took on a „whodunit“ detective story theme, involving the theft of Grandmothers and Red Ridinghoods family recipes. Who was the culprit? Well not the wolf, that would be too obvious ….. Up next Darryl did a reading dialogue from the book „Catch 22“ by Joseph Heller, (project# 1 from the Interpretative Reading manual – Read a Story). The objective was to effectively interpret the story applying vocal techniques that aid the effectiveness of the reading. The expression Catch 22 was coined by Heller in his relatively famous book published in 1961 to describe absurd bureaucratic constraints on soldiers in World War II. The term is introduced by the character Doc Daneeka, an army psychiatrist who invokes Catch 22 to explain why any pilot requesting mental evaluation for insanity—hoping to be found not sane enough to fly and thereby escape dangerous missions—demonstrates his own sanity in making the request and thus cannot be declared insane. Following this, Darryl held an educational entitled „Evaluate to Motivate“. The reason for evaluation are of course to receive constructive feedback on your speeches and to know what went well and where improvements could be made. There were helpful tips given for the evaluator as well what one should look out for while listening and evaluating a speaker. One tip that is often mentioned by Toastmasters everywhere is using the “sandwich technique”, i.e. what went well, followed by what was not so strong and where improvements could be made, followed by another positive aspect of the speech that was made. This useful educational was followed by everyones favorite part of the program – yes, Table Topics. Darryl made yet another appearance as Table Topic Master with the help of the Table Topic app which generates random questions: Christa was asked to tell us about her most memorable moment. This was her recent 70th birthday party in which her guests were asked (by Andrea) to read poems or sing a song, all directed at her. The best moment was that for the first time ever, she had candles on her birthday cake. Rainer told us what his worst moment was. This was when he was called up for his military service and had to go for the Mustering in Mannheim. Rainer was not really very enthusiastic about being called up and on the train to Mannheim he was deep in thought. The train pulled into a station and didnt move for a while, as he was lost in thoughts he didnt hear the announcement that needed to get off the train and take a train on a different platform to make it to Mannheim. It was only when the train pulled out of the station and then stopped in the middle of nowhere that Rainer realized something was amiss. Rainer had to climb out of the train walk to the next station and was late for first duty – not a good start to his military service! Joannes topic was her favorite film. Her favorite film was seen while visiting her sister a few years back. They went to the cinema wanting to see Chocolat. Unfortunately this had already been and gone. The only choice was The Diary of Bridget Jones, a film about a 30-something single woman and her romantic escapades. It didnt sound very appealing but they decided to see it anyway and Joanne was glad they did. She laughed from start to finish! Larisa was asked who should get custody of the children when parent divorce? She took the opportunity to take the Table Topic in a different direction by explaining how she had worked with children and that they have a strong need to play. Andrea was evaluated by Patrizia and Darryl by Martin. Rainer was Grammarian, Larisa Timer, Christa Ah counter, Joanne General Evaluator. Darryl updated us on his HPL project, telling us that there are links to many of Word Weavers Social Media profiles on our website now, so it should be easy to go to them. He set up a page (WCPS, short for World Championship of Public Speaking) where you can see this year’s winning speech as well as winners from the past few years, this is a good opportunity to see what winners of the International Speech Contest ultimately look like and something that we can all try to aspire towards. There is now a LinkedIn group for “Toastmasters Rhein Main”, the idea being that it makes sense for the effort of keeping a presence on this popular professional social network be split between area clubs. Links are sometimes a little strange with LinkedIn, the best way to find it is to search for “Toastmasters Rhein Main” and you should be able to find it. An Area effort will also be applied on InterNations, which is a social network for expats, Darryl is working on this with Laura from Esprit de Corps. We have “events” at our Facebook page and Xing for our meetings and area events through December. Be sure to mark your calendars for these coming events: Next meeting on 22 October is a special meeting, celebrating 90 years of Toastmasters. Michael S. will be our Toastmasters, but we still have room for speakers. 11 October is the F3/F4 Area Fall Contest, come to Alt Wiesbaden to see Toastmasters from the Rhein Main compete to go on to the Division F Contest 25 October in Freiburg. In November we have a normal meeting on 12 November and we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving on 26 November. We’re also looking forward to the first ever District 95 Conference right here in the Rhein Main area, you won’t want to miss this! We hope to see you soon. Thank you to Joanne for the meeting summary! You can read this at our blog as well. tmclub.eu/portal.php?page=3480&t=46167&tt=127
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:54:27 +0000

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