Word Wednesday, Faith to Receive Restoration: Part of - TopicsExpress


Word Wednesday, Faith to Receive Restoration: Part of receiving something is believing that it is ok for you to have it. Has anyone ever done anything so generous for you that you were hesitant to accept it? What was your response? Did you question the sincerity or authenticity of the offer? Maybe you mentally questioned the person level of authority and werent sure if they had the authorization to give it. Could it be that you simply didnt believe you deserved it, or earned it? The Declaration and Decree that 2015 is your year of Restoration and Harvest is a recurring theme echoed across the body of Christ. I agree!!! However a question remains. Will you receive it? I know you will! Because you know and understand the sincerity Jesus showed in his sacrifice for you. Be assured he makes good on ALL his offers and he definitely has the authority to authorize your Restoration and Harvest. In fact he already has! Here is a brief analogy to help you understand this simple truth. Let’s say a child is in a classroom where the teacher is calling roll. The kid is listening for their name and when they hear their name called all they say is I’m here or present. The only requirement is they must be in class to hear their name called. If the student just shows up he is counted. Maybe it’s hard to receive this because of all the present circumstances or bad decisions you made in 2014 and before. Maybe you said to yourself why even show up. I want to walk with you and give you a reason why you should show up in 2015 with a Biblical understanding about the first family from different perspective. You will see the boldness of those dared to believe God in spite of circumstances and received. As you read this you will experience the Love of God, be encouraged with Hope, and strengthened in Faith. ADAM : The fall of mankind can be traced back to a single decision and a choice. The First Couple, Heaven’s highest representation in the Earth, transferred their spiritual inheritance for a carnal one by eating the forbidden fruit. However, you must understand that before Adam fell, he walked and communed with God daily, this means he knew the very heart of his creator. After all he was made in his image. God is Love and because Adam knew God and had the breath of God in him. He had to know God would restore mankind. I say this because a faith principle was put in action by him. In the midst of dealing with their consequences that produced death. He called his wife a name. Instead of calling her a name in agreement with their circumstance or what he believed she caused, He named his wife Eve-which can be translated as To Live or Mother of all Living. This is significance because God had given Adam naming rights. He knew enough about GOD’s Love from previous fellowship with him to be able to speak life in a dead situation. CAIN/ABEL: Here we see a classic situation of children born into an unfair situation. The ground is now cursed and man has to toil and work twice as hard to produce little. The fact is this is not their fault, their parents where the people who dropped the ball. Nevertheless, Cain was a tiller of the ground who job was bringing forth crops. Abel was a keeper of the sheep. This meant that both men where in equally unfair situations. Because the sheep had to eat too, Abel was in charge of feeding them. I am sure this produced tension because one worked extremely hard labor to gather food and the other worked hard to maintain a healthy flock in a limited producing environment. I’m sure this produced a lot of unhealthy or lame sheep. DONT MISS THIS! There were probably times he had to decide whether to feed his flock or eat himself. Now Lets examine both perspectives. If you have kids then you know they are inquisitive and ask questions. Most if not all want to know where they came from and where you came from. I’m sure Adam and Eve told and recounted the creation story and the memorable moments with the Almighty God. Remembering the good old days when God had provided everything they needed and wanted before they disobeyed and lost it all. I can imagine after hearing this Cain focused on the circumstance and the harsh realities of it. He chose to believe only what he could see. This is shown by offering he brought God. He brought an offering out of what he had and not who he had. However, Abel focused on the God who created man in his own image and provided for him everything he would ever need or want. He dared to believe that God the creator of heaven and earth was not out of options, nor did he make mankind in vain. He understood everything that he could see around him was made from what he could not see. (Read Hebrews 11:3) This was proved by his offering to the Lord! He brought God the first and best of his flock. Both Cain and Abel had the same circumstances but responded differently according to their belief about God at Harvest time. Scripture backs this up in (Read Hebrews 11:6) It states that Abel received a witness (Jesus) that he was made righteous. Cain was not left out neither. God still showed him is true nature and Cain received and experienced God’s mercy after by not getting what he deserved for what he did to Abel out of rage and jealousy.(Read Genesis 4:15) If Abel could dare to believe and receive witness of redemption and receive righteousness in the worst circumstances. How much more should you walk in Restoration and receive your harvest since redemption came in the person of Jesus the Christ. EVE : I’m sure shame, condemnation and guilt were tormenting her because she was now aware of its existence. However, due to the Word spoken to her by Adam calling her The Mother of living she gave birth to another son and out her mouth she believed, confirmed, and confessed the LORD had appointed me another seed and spoke life from a dead situation. She called him Seth, which means God has appointed; compensation. Through Seth’s seed men began to call on the Lord again. As you move forward into 2015 into your greatest year. Here are four practical things to remember and apply. 1. If you are dealing with harsh realities in from choices you have made you or deep in a mess someone left for you. Restoration is readily available show up and receive your Harvest in 2015. 2. You have naming rights you can speak life from and into a dead situation because the very breath of God is within you. 3. Remember the times when you walked with God, talked with God, heard clearly from God. You can a have a better relationship with and a greater outpouring NOW! No more waiting! Remember Jesus removed the hindrances and became your barrier against the enemy. 4. Bring the Lord your best worship, your best praise, sow your best seed, from a perspective of who you have a not what you have.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:01:56 +0000

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