Word for Today. Title: The Matured Christian. Text: 1 John - TopicsExpress


Word for Today. Title: The Matured Christian. Text: 1 John 2:4-6. 4. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected:hereby know we that we are in him. 6. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked Amen. JESUS came to fulfill the Law and all the commandments it contained except one. This commandment was maintained because it cannot be done for us. It cannot be fulfilled for us. It is something that we have to do ourselves. The commandment is that we love the LORD our GOD with all our mind, soul and body and also love our neighbours as ourseves. It is the new commandment JESUS gave us. Love is very important because it is the measure by which we can determine the maturity of a believer. A believers maturity in CHRIST is not dependent on the number of gifts he or she operates in or in the magnitude of annointing demonstrated, but by the quality of love one walks in and how much love they show to others. JESUS said that the way by which people would know we are HIS disciples is the way we love each other. I believe that the disciples were first called christians at antioch not necessarily because of the miracles, but because of the love that existed amongst them. Such love hadnt been seen before. Pure unconditional love. The agape love of GOD. In a world of chaos and wars, love could hardly be found. So much deep unconditional love. After all that is how JESUS said people would know they walked with HIM. In todays text, we realize that those who know GOD are the ones who have GODs love complete in them. This is because they obeyed GODs commands and it is one who loves the LORD who obeys HIS commands. The scriptures say GOD is love so whoever demonstrates love, demonstates the true nature of GOD and it is the one who demonstrates GOD that can be said to be mature in CHRIST JESUS. How do we know we are in HIM? By living like JESUS lived. How did JESUS live? HE lived a life of love and proved it by HIS sacrifice on the cross. How deep is your love. As we begin another working day in this week, let us develop love. A love that is irrespective of the benefits or gains. A love that is unconditional. A heart that would love the more no matter the hurts and pains. Such is maturity and such is what Christ requires of us. Rise up and pray for a loving heart. Shalom!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:59:25 +0000

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