Word given to me by Yah this morning. Your Lives: A Statement Of - TopicsExpress


Word given to me by Yah this morning. Your Lives: A Statement Of Faith July 18, 2013 My Beloveds, I Am using your life to make a statement of faith to the world. I AM not fooling around any longer, there will be no delay now. I AM hot with jealousy for you. Your former lives will give way in favor of My Kingdom purpose for you. Your former life will be gone, loves. All you are, and are to become, will be initiated now in progressive mode. Do not let anything deter you from this; you must not shrink back. The fullness of Me you have desired, your full destiny; will now be brought forth. You must now stand steadfast in knowing all I have promised you and spoken to you. Only ask and I will cause you to remember. Shame does not belong to you any longer children. Do not believe the lies that the enemy will bring to you; for in spite of the lies of the evil one you must remember that I AM causing you to prosper and prevail. All of the Kingdom, all of Me, will now manifest through you because you have lost your lives in order to gain all that I AM. I have long awaited and been most anxious for this time beloveds for we now become fully ONE. There is no greater closeness than what we will now share. You do not fully realize how much I have desired you, to walk hand in hand together in this time that was planned before the foundation of the world. My darling Bride, I want you to remember that what I take away, I give back. Don’t forget that, for you will be mine forever; a priest in the order of Melchizedek manifesting My River Of Life from the inside out. Pray in the spirit, study My word, and fast as I lead you, offer to Me your sacrifice of PRAISE beloveds; for by this you will STAND STRONG AGAINST THE EVIL ONE. Do not fear anything for you shall tread on serpents and scorpions and over ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY and NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HARM YOU. I have gone before you and taken care of everything. I AM prospering you beloveds and MY LOVE will FLOW through you to the people I AM causing to run to you for My Kingdom purpose. Beloveds, I AM calling you to conform to the Kingdom now; a place of power. All will progressively be brought into Kingdom order. Your greatest victories lie ahead of you now. This is the hour you were saved for and now your book shall be read. You and I equal One beloved. Come unto Me and all that I AM for what you do for My KINGDOM NOW, will be remembered for eternity. Your Beloved Bridegroom
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:12:48 +0000

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