Word of the day: Healthy What is healthy? Is it a certain size? - TopicsExpress


Word of the day: Healthy What is healthy? Is it a certain size? A certain weight? A pants size? How fast you can run? A certain BMI? Healthy is one of the hardest concepts to explain to someone. Healthy is not a certain size. Healthy is not a certain weight. It is not necessarily a certain fitness level. Healthy is different for everyone and means something different to everyone. First in order to be healthy you need to be mentally healthy. Stressing about what you are eating and how you look are not healthy. You need to love how you look, what you can and cannot do, and embrace it. Now embracing it does not mean to settle for something. It is healthy to want to be the best you that you can possibly be and pushing yourself to go a little further each day. That means pushing yourself to exercise (Do not stress if you miss one day). Pushing yourself to eat healthy (do not stress if you go a little over your calories). Pushing you to be better and in balance. Here are some general guidelines on healthy: Food- eat well rounded meals. This includes getting adequate servings of fruits, vegetable, protein, etc and maintaining a healthy calorie intake. A food diary can help Exercise- Aim for at least 75-150 minutes of aerobic activity each week. Emotional/Spiritual: Though it’s easier said than done, do not stress, sleep 8 hours, and let go of what you can. These things are bad on all levels. They increase blood pressure and pains, lowers energy, causes deterioration, increases weight gain, etc. Physical: don’t idealize one body type or shape. Aim for a healthy BMI, weight, waist circumference, and overall mobility
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:01:25 +0000

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