Word to someone out there- Worrying does not change the fact that - TopicsExpress


Word to someone out there- Worrying does not change the fact that the problems still there,worrying does not in anyway whatsoever makes the problem magically dissapear,worrying will sap out your energy leaving you in a worse state and also worrying coupled with the problem makes you even feel worse,worrying keeps you from seeking out the solutions to your problems,worrying keeps you in a dormant state in which all that will be in your mind is how miserable your situation is and leaves no room for any positive thought whatsoever,worrying is like having a tenant living rent-free in your head,whom you take care of all its expenses and get nothing but constant nagging and complains. The truth is worrying is inevitable because its not everytime things go as we would have it and sometimes dissapointments are bound to happen when we least expect it. Since we are human beings,worrying is like a response to a stimulus called problem BUT staying worried without seeking out the solution to the problem isnt healthy at all. Sometimes we may not be able or even choose not to clearly identify that which is the cause of our worrying and this is a major reason why we often stay that way,we dont know the actual cause of what makes us worried,we dont intend to mark out the causes,we just choose to accept it as a way of life. Well,the good news is there is always a way out and you do not have to carry that burden all alone,i mean nothing has improved ever since you stuck to it so what makes you think it can just suddenly dissapear. If you are able to settle down,clear your mind,write down that which is bothering you,then you are half way to solving your problem because you have found out the root of your worries. Matthew 11:28-come unto me,all ye that labour and are heavy laden,and i will give you rest. John14:27- Peace i leave with you:not as the world giveth,give i unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid. Joshua1:9- Have i not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage;be not afraid,neither be thou dismayed:for the Lord thy God is with thee whitsoever thou goest. Phillipians4:6-7- Be careful for nothing; but IN EVERYTHING by PRAYER and SUPPLICATION with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding,shall keep your hearts and mind through christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:19-But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Learn to trust God with everything(even to the most minor of issues) learn to pour out your heart to him on every issue,because one things certain-others may look down on you and judge you but HE wouldnt,just make sure ur heart is free from any sin whatsoever by confessing them to him.IT IS WELL!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:50:31 +0000

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