Word to the Bride There is stirring word, the Lord has begun - TopicsExpress


Word to the Bride There is stirring word, the Lord has begun filling my heart with. This is a word of exhortation and encouragement to the Bride of Christ Jesus. This is a word of freedom and responsibility -- for these two always go hand-in-hand. For years, we have been hearing a word of correction and exhortation to the leadership in the local fellowships of the saints. To the Pastors and the Priests have come word after word ... exhortation after exhortation... calling them to listen to the cry of the Body... to come back into balance in their leadership roles in the perfecting of the saints. A cry has gone forth from the Body, to allow the Freedom of the Spirit to move within the gathering of the saints, that the Will of our Beloved Lord would be more fully accomplished. We are all familiar with this exhortation... and many of those with ears to hear have responded in faith to the heart cry of the Beloved. This Word, filling my heart today, has more to do with the stewardship responsibilities of the saints, as they each one, are called to press on in this Life of Faith we have been birthed into. The saints, the ordinary believers, need to see their responsibility for their own daily growth in Christ. So many speak out in denouncement of the system of religion .. condemning the system as being the reason for the lack of maturity in the saints. My heart this day proclaims it is the fault of the sheep themselves... the blame for not growing and not maturing needs to be taken by the one person who can make a difference! The saint him or herself! The younger ones need to be taught of this personal responsibility, and may we begin to speak of this now. No one can stop us from growing in the knowledge and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ .... except ourselves. We can continue to blame all others, but nothing can stop us, except our own complacency and lack of desire. The LORD desires us to grow in relationship with Him.. He will provide all that we need, if we will turn to Him for our needs! We have hours and hours of time each week (outside of Church services) to nurture and nourish our Love Affair with Jesus. We have the Holy Spirit, we have the Bible, and we have the time, if we believe it is important enough.. to sit quietly in the Presence of our Beloved and learn of His Heart. What takes place in church services worldwide, cannot stop the Bride from meeting with her Beloved, when she is stirred in Love to do so! What can keep two Lovers apart? NOTHING! What happens once or twice a week for a few hours in a church service, will not make nor break the Bride. What she does in her time alone with the Lord, and in the small gatherings of those bonded together, in commitment to grow in relationship with their Beloved Lover is what makes the difference in all our lives. Most believers seem unwilling to take responsibility for their own LIVING Relationship with the Lord. We are more like the Israelites... we want Moses to go up on the mountain for us, and then just tell us what God has to say. How many are truly willing to climb to that place of intimacy with Him, to learn of Him, to take responsibility for knowing His Voice and for the obedience that the Hearing of Faith requires? We would rather just sit back and blame the system of religion rather than acknowledge the problem is real, and that we are the solution. There are 6 more days each week, besides the one day of worship which is traditionally set aside for this maturing process .... 6 more days each week to fellowship in small groups ... 6 more mornings each week, to sit quietly at the Feet of Jesus, asking Him, by His Holy Spirit to unfold the mysteries of His Word ... 6 more days each week, to read and meditate on the writings from that great cloud of witnesses who went before us, and have left a written testimony of their Lives of Faith. There are 6 more days each week, to enter into personal and intimate relationship with the Lord Himself ... to learn of His Spirits leading in us, to seek His Counsel on the day to day issues of our lives ... 6 more days each week to devote to Jesus Christ Himself ... whether we are at work or at home, our hearts can learn to be attuned to HEAR His Voice, to listen for His Word in us teaching us through the daily circumstances we face. We must begin to be attuned to the Lord every day, all day ... and we will begin to manifest a difference in our daily life. We can make the difference, by our willingness to set aside the time necessary for this Divine Investment. There are endless classes .. yes that we can take, but the class we need the most is RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ... to learn to know His Voice... to learn to walk daily with Him... not more classes about HIM ... Daily Living WITH HIM! This is our responsibility! NO one can teach you to walk WITH HIM, except you and Him. You must do this yourself, and He will teach you all you need to know! Whose fault is it that the believers are not growing up.. not maturing, not being transformed by the Power of the Love of God? It is our fault... the ones the LORD has given the responsibility to. We each will stand accountable for our own lives... for the disobedience and the obedience. There will be no one to blame then... why blame anyone now? Why not just begin a new life.. a life of stewardship and freedom and Love! No one can stop any of us from pressing on in the LOVE of God! No one can hinder the passion the Lord desires to birth in your heart! NO one can keep you away from the Intimate, Daily Life of Relationship with your Beloved Jesus Christ, except yourself! Bride... begin to rise up this day and take personal responsibility for your own growing up! Feed upon the Word of God, the Scriptures and let the Holy Spirit give to you, your daily manna. You must come to JESUS to have Life. You will find the Holy Spirit, the TEACHER will teach you all things; He will lead you into All Truth; He will give to you all that JESUS has stored up for you to have! Dont wait any longer for someone to tell you to do this.. Just do it! You dont need the approval of man to grow in your Love Affair with Jesus! You must remember to hold firm to your personal devotion to Jesus Christ, and your utter and complete dependence upon Him who is Your Life... all other yokes are of no value in this day of maturing. The Lord will send forth His Showers of Truth, His Latter Rains to bring you to a quick maturity, if you will but take the time... the 6 other days in the week... to put yourself into His Presence.. in the quietness and reverence He deserves. Get alone in your closet, and let Him begin to reveal Himself to you in ways you would never have imagined! It is RELATIONSHIP with Him, that He is asking of you! Dont ignore this call to accountability... You must KNOW HIM.. even as you are known by Him! BRIDE prepare yourself... for the Groom is gathering the Dowry even now! Take responsibility for your daily growing in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ, dear Bride... He is waiting to meet with you! In service to His Bride, your sister, Linda the Beguine levans@netw Repost on and by propheticvoicesfromaroundtheworld.blogspot – March ‘14
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:27:05 +0000

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