Word to the wise! Next time you decide to start judging - TopicsExpress


Word to the wise! Next time you decide to start judging everyone for their mistakes I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror first. If that doesnt humble you then give me a call and lets talk! I am talking about gossip, beating people up behind their back then broadcasting their recent and past sins to everyone. And I am not talking about having a genuine concern for someone then lifting them up in prayer. But when you decide to constantly babble off about individuals 24/7 in a negative way with no interest in seeing them mature then you are definitely not being productive for the Lord. Yes, I do understand that some people are living outside of the lines when comparing their lives with the Scripture which means they need our prayers. Suggestion on how not to gossip! 1. Before you pass on any information about someone, make sure you got the right information in the first place. 2. Wherever you got the information, make sure the person who told you was in the right spirit when communicating the information to you. In other words, why are they even sharing someone elses sin and or failure with you? 3. If and when someone starts slandering, gossiping about someone with you then take hold of that person in a loving way and ask them do they really need to share this with you and why? 4. Live your life in such a way that those around you respect you so much that they feel a bit uneasy about telling you everyones problems. Because you are a man and or woman of character they will not be tempted to share the latest, did you hear what so and so did? 5. Ask the Lord to grant you the wisdom, maturity, discernment to keep everything in perspective. By that I mean, Is it really worth your time to participate in talking down about people on a regular basis? Does it really serve a purpose? Is chatting with others about what someone did going to build up the Body of Christ? Does God need you and or me to be spiritual policeman for Him? Seriously, why in the world would God in His Word say not to gossip? God knows what is best so if He says not to gossip then He means not to gossip. Am I posting this because I mad at someone? No!! Did someone just tell me that someone spoke negatively about me behind my back? No!! Am I posting this because I want to be popular? No!! Am I hoping someone reading this might agree with me and join me in loving on others the way God intended? Yes!!!!! I repeat! Next time you decide to start judging everyone for their mistakes I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror first. I plan to do the same thing, looking in the mirror not only shows me my physical blemishes but my heart blemishes as well. Father, help me not to participate in gossip! Love you guys! :))
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:48:19 +0000

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