Wordless Wednesday!! Love seeing changes like this. What if - TopicsExpress


Wordless Wednesday!! Love seeing changes like this. What if Plexus could help someone you know? Cheryl Dalton says: I am so stinkin excited... I got great news today about my husband, Tommy!!! After only 2 months on the Slim, his blood levels for his kidneys, sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, & calcium have greatly improved. The Dr was very impressed and told him to continue to stay on Plexus cause it has definitely helped. Even the nurse said, she wanted to know more about this Plexus! His kidneys that were damaged by cholesterol medicines have been operating at 65% for years and this is the first sign of improvement. She faxed the results to his kidney Doctor. His cholesterol which was 269 (even taking meds), is now 177... thats a 92 point improvement. It has NEVER been under 250. Praise God, he doesnt have to take cholesterol meds anymore!!! With tears in my eyes, I have to tell you that this is huge since he has a bad family history of hardening of the arteries with 6 of his siblings already gone before age 60. He has already had a triple by-pass, so when I saw that his coronary risk ratio had dropped down under the average risk, that makes me so, so happy!!! The Dr told him that he would have to stay on his bp meds for now, but we are hoping that in a few months, he can begin to ease off of them. Also, he had been diagnosed as borderline diabetic, so she was impressed that he had brought his A1C down to 5.8. Oh, and hes lost 6 pounds!! I am thanking my Lord and Savior that Plexus has added years to my familys life!! I cant say enough that Plexus is more than a weight loss product... Its about getting healthy and we need to be shouting it from the rooftops!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:32:10 +0000

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