Words and thoughts, the Lord gave me. Thank you Lord THIS TIME IN - TopicsExpress


Words and thoughts, the Lord gave me. Thank you Lord THIS TIME IN YOUR LIFE I looked at the hands of time, They told of time past But could not in any way Tell me of time future I took a further look A look at time present it told Of present challenges Challenges of this time Said the master Time keeper will aid in the Life of others as well As you’re self But said I want to know The future time the master Softly said My child future time can only Be known through this time in your life For you see my child the challenges Of this time will soon Give way to time Present in the present You must allow me to use Time now to tell time now and Then when it’s time Time past will tell then. By Doug Sanford Sunday, 18 August, 2013 At some point in time I believe the lord uses everything in our lives for good. Ro 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Further in John 11:4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. Jesus is saying I have everything under control. This sickness: in the Greek its meaning is “; feebleness (of mind or body); by implication, malady; morally, frailty:—disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness”; I believe we too can imply that whatever is or has happen or will happen can be used too by the lord in His time for a time we never know when, and glorify the lord when theses times come our way. Looking back over my life I can truly say without any reservations I can see the hand of was at work during those times that I could not understand. The sickness, the five years in the Caro state hospital, the five years living with my mom and my step dad, the so many times I failed to make a passing grade, even at this present time as I battle with epilepsy and so many other things I can recall. These times are and were yes stressful and yes during these times I must admit I did not always act properly, but God knew all about it, and He had said I can use theses times if only you let me. Let me add this something’s that happened before I was saved God has used. Wow what a great God I have. I spoke the other day with someone who had to make some major decisions for their life, decisions that will no doubt impact their life now and the rest of their life as well. I knew some of the things that were going on in their life, the lord allowed me to share things from my life with them. My heart was broken and burdened for this person. I too had to make many of the same choices they were about to make. I found myself going back over my years telling this one that if they would put Christ first and allow Him to make these decisions; things would work out better for them. I believe the very word of God teaches one cannot serve two masters at the same time; there will always be a fight between the two masters. As a child of God I cannot allow the things of the world to rule my life, for the things of this world will one day pass away but the things of God will tarry forever. Our lives are micro-lives, lives made up of many things; people, places, things, sermons, events, songs and things we have no knowledge of around us. The older I get I find myself looking back over times past and seeing God using those times past for time present. I can go through a valley, and looking back over my life I have the assurance from the Holy Spirit that I can make it through that valley. Others will come along side me and I can help them too with the assurance that they too can make it through their own valleys. In psalms 23 the lord has promised to go through the valleys with theses of His own family even through the valley of death. Memory is a gift not often given its due thanks. The older I get the more I find myself thanking God for the remembering of things. What do people remember about you, now and or when you pass away? What are others saying now?
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:44:10 +0000

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