Words come short when the truth of treachery is revealed! For - TopicsExpress


Words come short when the truth of treachery is revealed! For all those that think life is just what the government and society has to offer, you have been greatly mislead; and your way of thinking is mistaken, I ask earnestly and humbly that you reconsider your thoughts. The governing factors that rules society itself has been manipulating their schemes throughout time itself; hundreds and thousand of years in the making of the result you see today. Their intensions are simple and clear to those that choose to perceive the truest form of reality; their intentions are to divid and concur; concur what you might say? Your lives, Your freedom, and the vary life of this planet which sustains and preserves everything. The very essence of unity, love, compassion and the respect for life distraughts and distorts their very existent and their ways of functioning upon this earth. So what must they rely upon, there is a code they abide by in order to insure their survival. That code has many names but holds the same meaning, that code is: sham, equivocation, prevarication, evasive, canard, fraud, mendacity, pretense, untruthfulness, perjury, fallaciousness, and falseness. The meaning to all is the the same, the absence of truth, this is their code and this is what we have been fed for generations past to now; it is only through their grand deceptions and scheme that they can use you and me, by creating a false sense reality in which society in general is divided and one day will be put to use by being turned against one another to fulfill their desires. This is how they can bring their reality into existence, I know to some it is nearly impossible to convince, that there are other forces at had beyond humanity, things of the supernatural; but you don’t have to go to that extent to see what is simply there, it is right on your face and all you have to do is to be attentive to what has been occurring around that world; the wars, the deaths, the famines, the pollutions, the worming of the climate, the deaths of thousands of species each year, the police brutality, the slavery, the segregation, the distorting of the planet, the suppression of freedom itself…etc… the list goes on. The code is hidden it develop slowly without outward or perceptible signs, but it doesn’t hold for eternity; the truth and the light always prevails. simply observing this video one can see that they have employed what was once in use to divide and concur, the truth is they are preparing for what is to come; as so many around the world live life cluelessly to what is about to take place. I beg that you reconsider your thoughts, I beg that you show compassion towards all life, I beg that you shay away from all types of violence, I beg that you change your habits, I beg that you Love one another, and most importantly I beg that you practice your freedom and allow other to practice theirs…. these are the simple steps that one can take to change the very falsehood of the reality that was unwillfully placed and forced upon us. These very acts break the code and shows the truth and once you see the light that guides your soul you will know what to do, believe me i speak as a witness to both.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 16:49:25 +0000

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