Words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie - TopicsExpress


Words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1st RasTafari Mekonnen King of Kings. Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. november 3, 1955. parts of speech Convening Codification Commission ... supervision and control However this same progress (refering to earlier words on ethiopian growth of products) calls for increasing governemental supervision and control, as is evidenced by the everaugmenting number of laws governing the protection of property, of national and foreign investments, the legislation monetary stability, etc, . This development is also reflected in the marked growth of the judicial system. During the last 12 years, leaving aside the Meketel Wareda courts, the courts of Our Empire, including Moslem and Sharia courts, have grown in number from 182 to 593. ... centralization The growth is size and responsibilities of the Governement has necessitated the strengthening of the processes of centralization. All regions of the Empire are now closely knit together under a single unified direction capable of guiding them all along parallel lines of progress and integrating all into a common national endeavour. In addition, all vestiges of feudalistic and other classes of personal privileges have been wiped out, so that all Our beloved subjects may live together as equals and brothers in the same family. ... human rights Although the original Constitution already contained provisions on Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties, this Chapter in the Revised Constitution contains provisions adoptedin the most advanced countries of the world for the protection of Human Rights. Each provision in this Chapter has a precedent, either in Ethiopian traditions, or in well-established constitutional precedents abroad. No less than 29 articles have been inserted in the Constitution to provide for the protection of the essential liberties and rights of the people. Thus, We have provided that none shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; that thereshall be no discrimination amongst Ethiopian subjects with respect to the enjoyment of all civil rights; that there shall be no interference with the exercise in accordance with the law of the rites of any religion or creed by residents of the Empire; that freedom of speech and of the press is guaranteed throughout the Empire, in accordance with the law; that correspondence shall be subject to no censorship except in time of declared national emergency. We have, further confirmed our practice that every person accused of a crime shall be presumed innocent until prove guilty and that no one shall be imprisoned for debt, except in case of legally proved fraud. ... judiciary Similar considerations have been borne in mind in drawing up the provisions concerning the third branch of Our beloved peopleis the supreme consideration which has dedicated the deliberations our of which the Revised Constitution was conceived and elaborated. We have given long and searching thought to this problem and the fruit of Our reflections and deliberations during the past six years is therefore no superficial achievement. It represents solid and patient studies for many months by Ourselves, with the assistance of specialists and many commissions. It was, thereafter, submitted to Parliament for its approval before receiving Our final authorization. Thus it is that today, We have been able to promulgate this Revised Constitution. In Our preoccupation with the problem, We have been alive to find the realization that no single document, however profound and however comprehensive can, of itself, bring about far-reaching and fundamental traditions, customs, habits, predilections, as well as the legal concepts of the society upon which it is based. The great liberal regimes of France and the Anglo-Saxon countries and the great contributions which they have been able to make toward the development of political thought, have been based certainly not only on strictly constitutional concepts, but also on the broader and all-pervading philosophy of civil and penal law, a philosophy based on the sacredness of the individual. codification of Laws Consious of the broader implications of constitutional reform and of the necessity of providing means by which it may rake root, We have called upon the services of the most enlightened jurists of the Continent of Europe to codify, under Our direct and constant supervision, and in the light of Ethiopias age-old traditions and of the present day and future needs, the civil, penal, commercial and maritime laws of the Empire. The work undertaken and already accomplished under Our supervision and constant encouragement, has been gigantic, and We expect shortly to receive the final fruits os all these labours for the benefit of Our beloved people. The Constitution which We promulgated twenty-four years ago hasamply proved its worth and We trust that Our beloved subjects will benefit from the Revised Constitution which has adapted the earlier one to the changed conditions of today. We pray the Almighty to grant Us wisdom and strength to guide Our people to ever-greater destinies. We have express to Him Our gratitude for having spared Us to celebrate the twenty-fifth Anniversary of Our Corronation. nov 3 , 1955. -------------------------------------------------------------- so far parts of this speech.. my point is: should maybe Ethiopia acknowledge that under the leadership of His Imperial Majesty, the country was way better guided then current situations? so maybe re-install the kingdom in truth and rights ???
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:08:06 +0000

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