Words of Wisdom Jhn 10:37-38: If I do not the works of my - TopicsExpress


Words of Wisdom Jhn 10:37-38: If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. Here Christ condemns the (Jews) for their obstinate (stubborn) unbelief, notwithstanding all the most plain and powerful arguments used to convince them: “You believed not; and again, you believed not. You still are what you always were, persistent in your unbelief.” Christ gives the reason for their unbelief: “You believed not, because [you are not of my sheep]: you believe not in me, because [you belong not to me].” “You are not willing to be my followers, are not of an obedient teachable spirit, have no inclination to receive the doctrine and law of the Messiah; you will not group yourselves with my sheep, will not come and see, come and hear my voice.” Rooted oppositions to the gospel of Christ are the bonds of iniquity and infidelity. “You are not intended to be my followers; [you are not of those that were given me] by my Father, to be brought to grace and glory. You are not of the number of the elect; and your unbelief, if you persist in it, will be certain evidence that you are not.” Those, whom the Most High never gives the grace of faith, were never calculated for heaven and happiness, although He wish none would perish. What Solomon saith of immorality is true of infidelity, ‘it is a deep ditch, and he that is abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein’ (Pro 22:14). Those not being included among the elect is not the proper cause of infidelity, but merely the [accidental cause]. But faith is the gift of the Most High and the effect of destiny. To convince them that they were not his sheep, Christ tells the Jews the characters of his sheep. They hear my voice (Jhn 10:27), for they know it to be his (Jhn 10:4), and he has undertaken that they shall hear it, (Jhn 10:16). They discern it, It is the voice of my beloved (Son 2:8). They delight in it, are in their element when they are sitting at his feet to hear his word. They do according to it, and make his word their rule. Christ will not account those his sheep that are deaf to his calls, deaf to his charms (Psa 58:5). His chosen will follow him; submit to his guidance by a willing obedience to all his commands, and a cheerful conformity to his spirit and pattern. The word of command has always been, [Follow me]. We must eye him as our leader and captain, and tread in his steps, and walk as he walked - follow the instructions of his word, the warnings of his wisdom, and the directions of his Spirit - follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes. In vain do we hear his voice if we do not follow him.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:07:46 +0000

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