Words of Wisdom by Chris Vetrano: im not so much interested - TopicsExpress


Words of Wisdom by Chris Vetrano: im not so much interested in where the matter in the universe came from, but very interested in the space in which it is all contained. Science seems to lean towards the idea that this Big bang would be the center of the universe - but that would mean upon the Explosion it would have had to create dimension and space for the matter to even be. Dimension could also be a type of matter/form that we dont yet understand, thus things that appear to have space between them are actually not separate at all. This however brings up a few questions (For me at least). Where is the space this matter is contained? Does this space have an end or a limit such as a blockade or a wall? What would be on the outside of the wall? These questions seem to guide me to the answer I seek as I keep pondering them. I find, the only logical answer to Where is the space all things are contained? is easily summed up into one word. Awareness. Pure awareness has no form. In its most pure state it is essentially absent of all things. It is Space in the most literal sense. Everything that has ever happened in your life, in my life, in any and every consciously known event to happen in the entire universe in all of history has passed through Awareness. This means that every star you see, every planet youve heard about, every galaxy everything of any size or weight is already within you. Dense neutron stars that a piece cut off the size of a sugar cube would weigh 200 billion pounds and can sit so effortlessly and comfortable in your awareness. Yet in modern physics this weight at that size is almost too hard to imagine.. but now imagine the weight and size of literally all the matter in the universe sitting right here in awareness. Its seriously almost impossible to imagine - but give it a try, ponder it. Is there a limit on how much you can be aware of? Is there a size beyond what you can imagine? Is there a weight too big for you to imagine? Its very clear that we are the space that allows existence to be and there is no limit to how large/small something can be in any dimension. This type of thinking has pushed me to realize big / small / heavy / weightless are just illusions. They are all heavy and weightless at the same time - depending on the point of view you choose to see things with. That 200 billion pound sugar cube is ridiculously too heavy for a human to move but it doesnt weigh a thing to the universe. Its too heavy to imagine and barely there at all at the same time. All forms are essentially infinite in size and weight. The reason i dont think the big bang is the Center of the universe is because I believe we are / awareness is the center of the universe.. making the center everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. Awareness is not located anywhere (because it is not a thing/form) but is where everything is located. Everything is nothing, nothing is everything. I dont think the big bang is incorrect - it appears something similar to what they are describing happened - but after all it is just a form / construct in our imagination in this now moment regardless of how you describe it with whatever measurements or facts you want to use. All things and forms can be changed with perception (Trust me, if you took some mushrooms and looked at anything it would be something completely different) but pure awareness is the prime example of unchanging, unaltered, eternal, unmoving, untouchable, timeless, stillness. Think Yin Yang: Form + Formless = Now Thing + No-Thing = Now Stillness + Movement = Now You have the unchanging, formless, timeless, unlimited space allowing change, form, time, and limitation to Exist. Do not think of these forms as separate from yourself. Do not live in a world of duality, because dualitys only reason for existing is so all can be one and united. Without duality/separation there is no unity. When you identify primarily with pure awareness you realize you are already one with all things. Had some science-y stuff on my mind so figured Id share it for those interested in reading. I wrote it pretty quick so if it doesnt make sense my bad! I tried to elucidate my point about my idea of the true Space all is contained in, but at the very least if it gets you thinking then I guess I did my part! Last random thought: In the strictly objective scientific way of seeing things - would the universe ever truly die since light can apparently travel forever? (I dont know that for sure) I mean were just now seeing the explosions from stars that died a long time ago because it takes the light a long time to reach us - so if we keep going further away at the right speed (Speed of light?) can we essentially always keep that light in the same place from our view point? or does the light eventually die out and stop travelling? If we go faster than the speed of light could we turn back time? Think about that for a few minutes.. its pretty dope.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 17:05:50 +0000

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