Words of wisdom and encouragement from a member: 9 reasons - TopicsExpress


Words of wisdom and encouragement from a member: 9 reasons women cant find their Boaz, David or Joseph. Parts 4 and 5: 4. Many ladies pre-qualify their leads: This is one of the most CRITICAL reasons. The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man may not be the man like that today, but trust in God to give you a good man. Most of our married sisters when they met their husbands? They did not have cars or the great jobs they hold today but together they have built something 5. Good Christian men know their worth too and don’t want to settle either: ladies…men are understanding their worth a bit more too. Christian men are getting more and more comfortable attending relationship seminars and getting information about seeking God’s face for a wife. They are realizing how powerful of an impact a wife has on the outcome of their lives and ministry, and they are spending more time trying to see what is beneath the surface. They know that a woman can make or break everything, remember a wise woman builds her home while a foolish one destroys it, paying men know this too. They realize that a woman’s desires can accelerate him towards purpose or derail him. They are praying more and they are realizing that while you still remain a prize, they too are precious in God’s eyes and want to do right by him. They are realizing that a wife can make or break a man. Yes they are praying for a Ruth but they are also praying against Delilah as well. The Boaz, David or Joseph kind of man knows his worth too.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:48:01 +0000

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