Words of wisdom from WARREN BUFFET(3rd richest man in the - TopicsExpress


Words of wisdom from WARREN BUFFET(3rd richest man in the world) 1 ON EARNINGS-Do not depend on a single source of income,make investment to create a second source 2 ON SAVINGS-Do not save what is left after spending,bt spend what is left after saving 3 ON TAKING RISKS-never test the depth of a river with both feet 4 ON INVESTMENT-do not put all ur eggs in one basket 5 ON SPENDING-If u buy things u do not need,soon u will have to sell things u need 6 ON EXPECTATIONS-honesty is a very expensive gift do not expect it from cheap people 7 If u are depressed u are living in the past.If u are anxious u are living in the future,if u are at peace u are living in the present.Past is a waste paper,present is a newspaper and future is a question 8When bad things happen in ur life,u have 3 choices;u can let it define u,let it destroy u or u can let it strengthen u u 9 Empty pockets teach u a milion things in life bt full pockets spoil u in a milion ways 10 U know who ur friends are when u have nothing and ur friends know who u are when u have almost everything 11 Our eyes are infront because its more important to look ahead than to look back at bygones 12 We used a pencil when we were small kids bt now we use pens..do u know why? Because mistakes in childhood can be erased not now . .So read and write carefully otherwise life will be a tissue paper My DEAR HOPE U ARE INSPIRED AND UR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:48:38 +0000

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