Words on Wednesdays: My answers to your questions will come from - TopicsExpress


Words on Wednesdays: My answers to your questions will come from thirty years experience as a spiritual medium and healer and from the wisdom and knowledge of my spirit guide Grey Eagle. Question: Reincarnation...asked by Rosita Bertocchi, Kirsty Belleville and others. I do not believe in reincarnation in the way that most people do. I believe that when we die we have many choices, only one of which is reincarnation, a return to this planet in another form or body. The universe and the many universes that are out there hold fascinating and exciting treasures, many of which we are able to explore, if we choose to. Our earth plane, just a tiny speck of grit in the vast scheme of things, is where we, part of the Earth Cluster, as Earth Souls, must begin our journey, and where we learn by acting and interacting with other Earth Souls. Some of us may indeed choose to come back here and do this all over again, and that choice is made for a variety of reasons. Others of us may choose instead to go exploring, and to travel the universes, learning and growing as we go. However, as Earth Souls we are never lost or left to wander into strange and dangerous places. Always God and our Angels are with us, guiding and keeping us safe. I also believe that only a few choose to reincarnate and I say this because I have spoken to thousands in the spirit world, some who have died decades ago, some only a day or so, and without exception, when I ask them what they are doing and where they are, I have never heard anyone tell me they have reincarnated. I have had many who have told me of their explorations and experiences, but these people in the spirit world also talk to me about the wonders of where they are and how exciting and fulfilling their heaven is. I also know without a doubt, not because I have been told it, but because I have witnessed it hundreds if not thousands of times, that when we who are still left on this earth plane pass into the spirit world our loved ones are there to meet us and this is the most joyful thing to see and be a part of. I once had a man of the Hindu faith come to me for a consult and he was shocked and surprised when I contacted his father...the evidence that it was him was clear...and he asked how could it be that his father was able to do this when he was reincarnated. In this mans faith the belief is that reincarnation happens immediately someone passes over. I had no answer except the one I have given all of you. I realize that many of you will disagree with me, and I respect that each of us has our own idea of things and I am in no way trying to change or influence your belief system. We all have our own ideas and experiences which hopefully teach us something. All I can do is to share with you what I believe.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:14:37 +0000

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