Work cancelled. Again . Didnt want to go fix the guys rotten - TopicsExpress


Work cancelled. Again . Didnt want to go fix the guys rotten cabinets anyway. People call about fixing all kinds of garbage. Think they save money . Cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear ! Put hey ya can make a pork rind . Guess somethings are worth saving . Cut out all the rotten parts . Take down what cant be sacrificed to the original material and put a new finish on it . Or maybe polish the original material so that its actually a new creation . Add some new features that wernt there before but ya wished were . May cost more than a new one . But there are somethings that are worth it . . That is if getting a new one is even possible . Sometimes the modern versions just dont have the integrity or beauty possible with the original models . Certainly one cant replace the history , or love of a thing with a massed produced assembly line model of a thing . A lot of the modern line of thinking is its not worth the time or work to make a quality thing . For a fraction of the investment one can have a shiny new version of a thing thats pleaseing to the eye and functionable . But ultimitly designed to be thrown away and replaced frequently . Lacking the integrity and longevity of a thing that was manufactured with attention to the details that were concidered of the utmost importance not so very long ago . I guess some have a sense of the value of a well engineered thing and for a time are willing to throw money and resorses in a attempt at quality . Still dosent create the intimacy thats part of true quality. For that one must learn whats required . Not the assembly line techniques but the methods require for sething worthwhile . And of course the choise of proper materials is very important . If cost is a consideration I guess its ok to get good enough or maybe better than avarage . Depends on what ones trying to build ??? But I guess we moved on to important things that should matter to one . Things that ones very life may depend . Or even more important the lives of those that may depend on us . Becuase in theses cases is the workmanship of another ever to be trusted ??? And if one is to maintain such a important thing it can never be done by dependency on others who may or may not have the knowlage ,skill , resorses, and will to perserve what may be so important. If we put a thing together ourselfs we become aquainted with the whys and why nots of the thing when troubles arise and things arent fuctioning quite the way they should . If someone really cares about a thing then even the worse of failures over maybe the seeming most minut of details could be a welcome thing because it would give one the opertunity to give the thing the integrity that we hoped for when we started the project . Over the course of time we could do this there . Make this part a little better . The already prised possession could become the best of all such things . Any decay just leading to a better thing in the longrun . Most things just arent that important though . And one would go insane if everything demanded such attention . We would become resntful at the things that were calling to us that we didnt really care about . Wanting to give our attention to the things the suited our fancy for that time . Guess I can see why one cant serve two masters becuase he would love one and hate the other . And after all the work we put into things . Especially after its all been for not and weve lost things that were of great value to us that it would appeal to some to store up there treasure were rust and moths dont destroy. But Im leaving out the important part . Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock . And the rain descended the floods came and the wind blew and beat on that house and it did not fail for it was founded on the rock . But everyone who hears theses words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain descended and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell . And great was its fall . Sounds to me it matters a lot what one does . And where one does it . Others say it dosent matter much . It was made to throw away anyway . And theres always the new thing around the corner . To be thrown away in its time . Bible talks about in the last days that Love would wax thin. Seems like this is true has never before . It seems to have been discarded in favor of whats shiny and new . Things that used to be consider valuable and worth the greatest of attentions are scoffed at has trash. And the things that are temporary and made to throw away are of the most value. Guess if we dont love a thing then we can avoid the hurt that seems to be part of it . Its not the thing we avoid loving . Its the love we avoid . Regardless of the thing . Its love thats deemed the culprit . And the avoidence of what might decay thats considered the soulotion . Or we cling to a thing while its new growing . But after its not serving our purpous its discarded . What we labeled love for a thing wasnt after all . What we loved wasnt the thing but the purpus it would serve . I keep on saying we . But Id like to devorse myself from such a thing . Its said that the lord wont let a tender reed drown or a flickering light go out . So is it such a bad thing that Ive never really let go of anything . I dont think so . Never have . It may be the wisdom of the world to do such a thing . Throw it away and get a new one . But i do not believe its the will of God . Not entirly true . Like I said in the begining . Its nessacary for the sake of love to cut out the rotten parts . To improve on the good . And to continue to make the good better . Its foolishness to make believe that the rot is not there . To say that the worst parts of us are permenant and to be tolerated becuase of no choise . This is the doctrin of the antichrist . The new and shiny thing is that we are forgiven of everything we may ever do . The new and shiny thing is that we should refuse to aknowlage the rot that has overtaken the body of christ . Its whats meant when scripture says they have a knowlage of God but denigh His power . And the power is the grace to become the sons of God . That the righousness of christ would be fullfilled . IN US . That this was impossible for us to acoplish is evident in any that will take off the blinders and look around and see what is . Its the worst of lies that say that the rot cannot be cut out . That the temporary shiny new thing is what should be coveted. They call it positive thinking . I call it lieing and deception . It serves only to perpetuate the evils that they hope eliminate through acceptance and apathy . Accseptance of rot has a permenant part of what weve built so far . And apathy in the need to take responciblity for our part in its preservation. Once again I got long winded and went on and on about what could be said in two words Hate bad . Enough rambleing . Good luck out there with the shiny new things . Must admitt I want one or two . But not the throw away kind dont know if I can take another round of losing . And I know I will not be a coward and not give it all Ive got . Aint no way . Not out of determination or convictions . Its just what I do cant help it . Besisdes after all the hurt Ive had from being thrown away . How in the world could I do it to another and do has he commaned . Love my neibor has I love myself ???? . Or claime to honor God ??? Really simple stuff . Amazing all the hoops amd rules that are in place to avoid love. To avoid God . Ive had the greatest of times and for them I am grateful. But its in the fire that steel is forged . And for that I am more grateful . The fire was the call not to care not to love not to try . The fire was the call to ignor the rot to make believe all was has it should be . That it was the will of God . That nothing could be done . Funny I believe that what people called my fall was the creator not letting those things be . And a test that lead to perserverance . How many know that they can stand through what I went threw ??? Not to be proud many many have endured much worse . The only thing of magnitude was the aloneness . It took over my entire being and created a death I didnt know exsisted . So is a life worth the search for the skill and the right materials . Is truth important . Weather a thing is true or not.??? No what Im asking is am I worth these things . Is truth important to me . And has far has I can make out the anser to these questions are what determin the who and who will not be welcome in Gods Kingdom . It might be easyer to make some stuff up were its all taken care of and I need not worry . But thats what I would have to do . Make it up. Or just listen to someone else who made it up . Might even build a preety good house on some of the lies . But like it has before The winds will come and the rain will fall . Cant seem to finish . Maybe next time Good luck out ther love yas .
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 19:11:29 +0000

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