Work in Progress Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for - TopicsExpress


Work in Progress Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 My first year in Little League baseball, I was about nine years old. My team played twelve games, and we lost twelve games. I didn’t get one hit in twelve games. I got up to bat, each time watching the pitcher, standing at the plate. The ball would come, and I would put my heart and soul into my swing but missed or fouled it off. I have to tell you, I was trying. The next year, I was a pitcher and first baseman. I had good years after that. At age ten, I pitched a no-hitter and hit a grand slam in the same game. My story was in the local paper, the other team bought me an ice cream pop from Bungalow Bar, and everyone cheered. My mother embarrassed me. She was crying and hugging me. What was the difference in a year? I was so embarrassed the year before that I worked out with older kids to learn the game better. I tried very hard to play a game I loved. Since becoming a Christian, I have gone through a lot of growth. God’s commands may not be burdensome, but they sure were a strange language to me. Be kind to each other and everyone else? But what if they are mean to me? What if they hurt me, lie to me, cheat me, or anything else that hurts my feelings? You mean I can’t retaliate? Repent? Change my heart? Treat others better than I treat myself? Give my life for another? But I want to get even, be right, and let people know when they are wrong. As I have read the Bible, prayed, meditated, and recognized the voice of the Holy Spirit, I have been quite convicted. My behavior quickly became repulsive to me very early on in my walk with Christ. I began to change quickly. I wanted to serve God and bring him glory. That old behavior wasn’t going to be acceptable to God or me in this new life in Christ. I have become a work in progress. There has been great progress. I have been in arguments, made judgments, and other things. I have asked for forgiveness from those I hurt and God. I have confessed sins to God and to other Christians. There has been great change in my life but not perfection. I am so grateful that I have been saved by Jesus. I want to be more like him, and I try daily. Trying, as it says in the verse I mentioned, means to attempt and accomplish. I need to be diligent and patient with myself. Growth and maturity are happening in my life. I have spiritually matured, but I still have a distance to go. Most importantly though is that I am trying hard to please God, whom I love with all my heart and soul. Paul says, “But always try.” I am attempting and accomplishing as I try the very best I can. You can too. Be patient and keep your eyes on Jesus.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:05:43 +0000

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