. Workers of BST\RSS\BJP tell us all not to eat in McDonands - TopicsExpress


. Workers of BST\RSS\BJP tell us all not to eat in McDonands because that will enable McDonalds to take profits out of India. So now they support 100% FDI in Ahmedabad-Mumbai high speed train , and then they will ask us NOT to take that train. . .2. NaMos proposal to enable Chinese to setup SEZs in India will further damage local manufacturers. How? SEZss costs will be at least 40% to 50% cheaper, and they can export and re-import and pay only 10% custom duty and another 20% excise, So their products will be much cheaper. SoNaKe-andhbhagats and BST\RSS-workers are all supporting these Chinese SEZs, Solution : we should ask citizens to order MPs via SMS to remove all tax benefits given to SEZs. . ========= . 1. Eating in MdDonald creates a drain on forex because profits are repatriable in dollars. But say you have a normal meal in McDonald. Then it will cost some Rs 150. Now after excluding all costs such air condition, salaries, maintenance, food costs etc. profit will be no more than Rs 20. So it is drain of about 35 cents = Rs 20. And if anyone eats in McDonanld, they will start making angry remarks. . Now same BST\RSS\BJP-workers are loudly applauding NaMos decision to invite Japanese to setup 250 kmhr train between Ahmedabad-Mumbai, they will tell us dont take that train, and then curse us if we take the train,. Well, folks, then why do you support this train now? . And McDonald is far far less bad. It isnt monopoly and so it cant raise prices that high. And it cant bribe officers to shut down existing resturants and not can it stop others from selling what it sells. . Whereas Japanese train will be monopoly. It will be fast because of better technology, and also because it will have its own dedicated tracks which will make it faster. The Indian trains , even Duratno and Shatabdi dont have and should NOT have dedicated tracks, So these trains will remain slower. Not only that, once Japanese trains comes, they will bribe Railway Minister and may be even PM to ensure that services of Duranto and Shatabdi dont improve and extra tracks for these trains do NOT come. So Duranto will remain 6.15 hour train and will NOT become 4 hour train, which it can become today if 2-3 more tracks are laid. And Shatabdi will remain 8 hour train and will not become 5 hour train. . So high speed train can easily charge Rs 2000 per person, and make profit of at least Rs 1200. So it will be drain of $20 per passenger. And given that it will have near monopoly, lakhs and lakhs of passengers will be using it every year. . All in all, it is 100 times bigger mess than McDonanld. Yet SoNaKe-andhbhagats and RSS\BST-workers are all supporting this Japenese high speed rail !!. . The Swadeshi of Right to Recall Group is COMPLETELY different from tel-sabun swadeshi of RSS\BST\BJP-workers and NaMo-andhbahagats. For us at RRG, swadeshi means promoting law-drafts that will reduce inefficiencies of Indian factory-owners so that they too can manufacture pins, mobile as well as fighter planes. And making FDI repatriation export based so that repatriation doesnt create forex burden. Whereas swadeshi of RSS\BST\BJP-workers and NaMo-andhbahagats is only bashing McDonald,, opposing law-drafts that will improve Indian manufacturing, and then supporting FDI in railways !!! And as per McDonald, it is personal choice, and does far far less damage than FDI in railways , defence etc and so we ignore it. However, the law-drafts we have proposed will enable will Indian food chains to become as good as McDonald, that will drastically reduce profits of McDonald. . So next time when a swadeshi slogan shouter from BST\RSS\BJP etc tells about noyt easting McDonanld, please remind him that they and NaMo are supporters of 100% FDI in railways and defence, and that does 100 times more damage than coke + McDonanld + colgate + lifeboy etc etc. . ==== . 2. NaMo is asking Chinese to setup industrial parks in India. . (a) They will have to export everything they make. . (b) They will have no labor laws, They wont have to pay PF etc. . (c) They wont need to pay income tax unless they want repatriation in dollars, wont need to pay customs, excise, service tax, sales tax, vat, and all other taxes. . (d) they will get land at much much cheaper rates . (e) They wont even have to pay taxes in electricity they consume !! Or, they can produce their own electricity. So they will get electricity at Rs 2 per unit, while Indian factories will have to pay Rs 5 to Rs 7 per unit !! . (f) They cost of production will be much cheaper, . Now say it is 30% cheaper. Then they can EXPORT the goods they make to china and then re-import and pay mere 10% customs and 20% counter-vailing excise. of about 20% . so effectively, their goods in India will be cheaper than Indian manufacturer in India !! This can wipe out Indian manufacturer out of existence.. . Now why are Chinese manufacturers coming to India ? Mainly because labor is now much much cheaper in India. . So all in all tax breaks given to all SEZs and all freigne companies must be cancelled. Otherwise, this creates an unlevel fields. . Now NaMo is supporting tax breaks to Chinese companies. And so is Sonia and AK. And so all SoNaKe-andhbhagats are supporting these discriminatory tax breaks to foreigners in the name of development. !! And RSS\BST-workers too are supporting these tax-breaks, So if you are opposed to these discriminatory tax breaks, then IMO, the only option left is that you work with us at Right to recall group, and dont waste time with SoNaKe-andhbhagats, and dont waste time with RSS\BST-workers as well. . As a start step, please send orders to MPs via SMS to cancel all tax benefits to SEZs and all foreign companies; and all companies should be taxed at par, and repatriation should be only from the exports they generate. . -Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta , Right to recall Group .
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:36:57 +0000

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