Working On A Vision My name is Gale Jarvis, I have been - TopicsExpress


Working On A Vision My name is Gale Jarvis, I have been working on a vision of getting on face book so I can share and receive from others thoughts concerning our Lord. Working on different visions is something that I try to keep my mind on; I have had several visions in my mind over the years. I try to follow through with each one because this is what keeps me going. One of my visions of what this will accomplish is that I will meet new friends and we will discuss things on our minds and reason out different problems. I doubt if we will be able to solve all the world’s problems, but we can try. It is so easy to give up on life and so many have given up, just desiring too survive instead of getting a vision and going for it. God says in Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish: The valleys of life can be very dark and lonely; Everyone must go through different valleys, some not as deep, or low as others, but it is only when we believe we must stay there that it becomes a problem. My desire is share some ways I have been able to climb out of a valley, and begin enjoying life to the fullest. I desire to hear how you have found a way out of your valley if you would like to share your thoughts with others. As the song goes, Everybody Needs Somebody Sometime. I agree with David that God’s thoughts are sweeter than honey, and also too much honey is not good for us. Thereby my desire is too try not to share too much honey at one time, because I love to talk about God, but I also know the human mind cannot absorb a lot at one time, and God’s thoughts are too important to waste. So let us begin. Page 1 Beginning Again How we began Life, I believe we began life learning how to cry, and most of us will end life knowing not just how to cry, but doing much of it for many different reasons. Life is full of many different things we must learn how to do whether we want too or not. Most of us had to learn how to crawl before we walked, but all of us had to learn how to walk before we ran. This is the way it is with everything in life we must learn how to do what ever it is we are going to do, some may be able to learn faster than others, but everyone must learn how to do what ever it is. One person may be able to learn the alphabet faster than another person, but everyone must learn the alphabet, no one automatically knows them. Another person may be able to learn how to add and subtract faster than others, but everyone had to learn mathematics. We may learn by listening, we may learn by watching, but I believe the best way to learn is by doing, hands on learning is what we called it. I cannot remember someone trying to teach me how to spell, but I have heard other parents trying to teach their children how to spell, and several times you would hear the child say I know how to do that, and they would try, but fail, even though listening is a good way to learn, it was usually after the child would write it on paper, or was as we used the term hands on learning by putting it in writing that they got on to spelling. There have been several things throughout my life after I had watched someone do something, I just knew I could that, but when I tried it I could not even come close, probably one of my first was when I was a child, and saw some older boys shooting basketballs into a basket, I was sure I could do that, but when given the opportunity, I could not get it half way up to the basket, in other words my mind knew I could, but my body could not do what my mind thought it could do. Very few people have been shown how to do something once and then been able to do it right the first time, they were given a second chance a third chance and so on, many things in life we need many chances, that is where an old saying is true, it is better to try and fail than to never try. I believe these same principles apply to our spiritual life, listening to others talk about God, such as a pastor, relative, or friend is good, and probably needs to be applied to our mind. Watching others that claim to know about God, and how they live their life is also a good way to learn about God, if they walk the talk as we use the term. I believe whether it is the secular way of learning things in this life we need to learn or the spiritual things in life we need to learn, I believe receiving our guidance needs to come through the Holy Spirit, and I believe only when we ASK for the Holy Spirit’s help will we get it. I am trying to put in writing what I know has worked for me concerning how to begin knowing God well enough to begin trusting God and desiring to do what he ask me to do so I could begin receiving great, wonderful, mind boggling gifts from him, because I trusted him as he has desired for me to trust him. I did not learn over night how to begin trusting God, and what I desire to share may not be what you need today, but I believe it will help when you need it. God Bless All
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 18:16:59 +0000

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