Working as a Mediator exposes you to people from all walks of - TopicsExpress


Working as a Mediator exposes you to people from all walks of life. Especially if you are working with a Paranormal Team that gives the curios an opportunity to experience / witness themselves. Perhaps they seek to fill a gap of what is still so unbelievable to comprehend. The most common questions that almost everyone asks me is : What happens when we die? Where do we go? How do we know where to go? Now I am no Messiah nor do I put claims of owning or knowing all. Most of my knowledge is either information that was shared with me by all different levels of authority. Surprisingly to many, they are eager to share this to assist many that struggle with the thought of Death. Some information I take from cross references/ translation/ and a variety of story tellings in many religions to be found as same basics message . Call it rooting of : How this Universe works and our placement in it. The spirit world, in the simplest terms, is the place where the human soul (energy) continues to unfold after physical death ( leaving physical body) , towards eventual perfection. This spiritual world co-exists with the physical world, though at a higher vibration / frequency ; in this way, the spiritual world can occupy the same space, but in a different dimension with us. The spirit world is a very busy place; each year an astonishing 56.5 million people worldwide leave this physical plane and enter the spirit world—that equates to 155,000 per day. People are generally ill prepared to survive physical death, so family and friends ( the ones who already left physical body) help the newly deceased adjust to their unfamiliar surroundings. Oftentimes, spirit loved ones come to the deathbed and escort the dear one to their new home. Angels and Spirit Guides provide comfort and take the fear of : Thats all / Thats it. ( Will go more into detail in another article) Of course, all this is based upon the belief soul exists, which is separate and apart from the physical body, that continues in a spiritual world. When the physical body dies, the silver cord / earth life is severed and the soul is released and drawn up to a location ( somewhat known as time collapse) in the spirit world that it is suited for. This initial location is not determined by the belief of the mind, but by the condition of the soul (Level integration) There are many ideas about what happens after death; however, from the writings of James Padgett there one plan for everybody and that is to inhabit a great spiritual world and eventually be freed from all cares and worries. ( highest level reached by accomplishment on earth paths ) Ancient Spheres The idea of levels or spheres in the afterlife is an ancient one. These spheres encompass the earth and each has several planes of habitation within them. These levels have fixed lines of demarcation, which the spirit cannot pass through until its condition, and, accordingly, its vibration, are comparable to the plane above. Modern Spheres According to Modern Spiritualism the spirit world consists of seven concentric spheres around our planet. Prior to the first sphere there is a “buffer zone” (the gray band nearest the earth) this is not a numbered sphere, but a neutral space between the earthplane and the first sphere. Spirits use this zone to and from their visitations/ and connective frequencies to the earth. The First Sphere (black band) This is the sphere closest to the earth; it contains the least light and is the habitation of spirits who are paying a penalty for their wrongful thoughts and deeds while on the earth. THE TUNNEL The gray cone connecting the buffer zone with the second sphere is the tunnel. Regardless of how many, do spirits need a tunnel to get to their homes in the spirit world? Of course not! Then, what is it for? The purpose of the tunnel is to insulate / cocoon/ shelter new spirits on the journey to their lovely homes in the second sphere and above, from seeing the penalties being paid by the spirits in the first sphere. Emanuel Swedenborg: “In the spirit world, hell is a place, as well as a condition, and, as a place, it has all the accompaniments that make it a reality to the spirits who inhabit it. The condition of the spirits, who are in these hells, is determined by their re-collections worked upon by their consciences. There are, of course, no fires or brimstone lakes, or devils with pitchforks adding to the sufferings of these spirits, but yet, there are certain conditions and appearances that are outside of the spirits themselves that cause their recollections to become more acute and to work in a manner to produce a greater degree of suffering.” Memory is mans storehouse of good and evil, and it does not die with the death of the body. On the contrary, it becomes more active and alive, and nothing is left behind or forgotten when mankind casts off the benumbing and deceiving influences of mortal flesh. The greater cause that operates to relieve spirits of these memories is love. Love embraces many qualities, such as remorse, sorrow, and the desire to make amends for injuries done. Until a spirit’s own love is awakened, none of these feelings will come. He cannot possibly feel remorse or regret or the desire to atone until love, no matter how slight, comes into his heart. He may not realize just what is the cause of these feelings, but it is love just the same. As these feelings operate a memory here and a memory there will leave never to return and the suffering becomes less.( lowering in level) After awhile, when they have all left, he becomes free from guilt or judgement and to him it is as though it was extinct none exist. Second Sphere This is the sphere of familiarity, because the surroundings resemble those of earth. This is where ordinary people go, who did the best they knew how, but were not spiritually minded. This sphere may not be identical to the earth, but for the most part the homes, the roads; the trees, family, friends and neighbors will all be recognizable. A spirit destined for this sphere has little difficulty adjusting to life there. Yes Life !!! The spirit / soul is met by family and friends, who have gone before, with love, kindness and consolation. But, eventually the parting must come and every soul must find its home according to its soul’s condition. (Level of accomplishment) Then comes a time when the spirit must stand alone in its weakness or strength and realize that no other spirit can bear its sorrows or take from the spirit its burdens or enter into its suffering. Personally, I have been shown a spirit welcoming committee as spirits lined up according to their love and closeness for the newcomer. I would also say that often the welcoming place is a nicer one than the home that the spirit has made for itself by how it lived on earth. It will be a surprise to who have made transition and they will see the stately buildings, comfortable houses, gardens, cities, pets, all sorts of games, sports, amusements and the pleasures of science, art, music and literature, and to be able to continue those things that were of interest in the earth life. Almost a better copy with better opportunities for all to proceed. The second sphere is where most of the communications originate that are received by mediators. This is because spirits in this sphere have a soul condition similar to that of the mediator of the earth, which is a requirement for easily making contact. This is the first level where soul is ready to integrate in frequencies. Third Sphere This is the first sphere of habitation for spirits who have been on a devotional path, either while on earth, or since coming to the spirit world, and have developed the quality of their love. This sphere is said to be the first heavenly realm of the spirit world. It was described to me by many spirits as followed: The home you live in is beautiful. It could be identified as white marble. Amazing green lawns and brightest flowers and full perfect trees. pictures on the walls that capture beauty , and the floors are inlaid with beautiful mosaics. Furniture fitting a King and a library full of books. Music, such as you never heard, and instruments of various kinds, which You are learning to play. You will sing with all your heart. You will have beds on which You lie, but You never sleep. You do not need sleep here; we only rest, for sometimes we get tired from our work.” “You eat fruit and nuts not because you are hungry, but more because you enjoy the flavors. They are like pears, grapes, oranges and pomegranates - of course, just not the same, as you know them. You do not actually eat these things with your teeth and palate and use our intestinal organs, as you do now, but you imbibe, as it was, the delicious flavors and aromas of the fruits; and, strange as it may seem, You are just as satisfied, and probably more so than when you eat these things with your physical organs.” Paths of Progress There are three possible ways, or paths, to progress through the spheres to higher planes in the spirit world. I. The first path is that of the development of the intellect: This is achieved through learning and increasing one’s powers of thought and reason. Spirits-Souls progressing on this path use spheres two, four and six. II. The second path is that of the purification of the human or natural love: All humans have this love endowed in their souls, though it needs to be purified by expressing good thoughts and deeds. Spirits progressing on this path also use spheres two, four and six, only different planes. III. The third path is the highest. This is the path of developing a relationship with Universal Law and Power, following disciplined and true. Through a relationship one can receive the love of God. Meaning direct connectivity and , Ok lets call it promotion/ special recognition. Once this higher love / recognition is acquired and implanted in the soul, it replaces the love with which the soul was originally created. Spirits advancing on this path use the third, fifth, and seventh spheres for their progress. THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM Now what I am writing is a combination of written by human hand/ storytelling and spirit translation and confirmation of its truth. Directly above the seventh sphere is a new realm known as the “kingdom”. It is not as ancient as the seven spheres, for it is just over two thousand years old. The kingdom is clearly the central theme of the New Testament and is mentioned more than a hundred times: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. “The kingdom, as a place, is real and independent of the state of the soul, though it is necessary for the soul to be in a corresponding state in order for it to enter the kingdom. The many mansions spoken of are there and change not, and whether they shall have occupants depends upon the harmony of souls in their harmony of the laws that govern this kingdom.” The kingdom is of great spiritual importance because its purpose is the redemption of all mankind. When the kingdom is completed, the hells of the spirit world will be emptied and the world will be restored to the paradise that it once was. Though the kingdom is under construction, it is not being built with bricks and mortar, but with human souls, who are transformed by the ultimate and unlimited love into divine angels. God knows very well that men will never bring peace and harmony to the world through their own efforts. So, in God’s wisdom and goodness, a plan has been devised whereby this will be achieved through the building of a spiritual kingdom in the heights of the spirit world. Now I am using the labeling of a name : God. He has many names and carries many faces. There is only 1 truth and that is : Love beyond and liveTrue. Dipika Mediator
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:20:51 +0000

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