Working quite independently, an Australian called Chas Campbell, - TopicsExpress


Working quite independently, an Australian called Chas Campbell, discovered the same effect. He found that if he used an AC motor plugged into the mains, that it was possible to get more work done that the amount it takes to drive the motor. He used his motor to drive a series of shafts, one of which has a heavy flywheel mounted on it, like this: The final shaft drives a standard electrical generator and Chas found that he could power electrical equipment from that generator, electrical mains equipment which required greater current that his mains-driven motor did. Chas then took it one stage further and when the system was running at full speed, he switched his mains motor over from the wall socket to his own generator. The system continued to run, powering itself and driving other equipment as well. Conventional science says that this is impossible, which just goes to show that conventional science is out of date and needs to be upgraded to cover system like this where excess energy is flowing in from the local environment. Here is a diagram of how Chas Campbell’s system is set up: Another man has put a video on the web, showing a variation of this same principle. In his case, the flywheel is very light and has simple paddles attached around the rim of the wheel: He then aims a powerful jet of water from a high-powered water pump, directly at the paddles, driving the wheel round with a rapid series of pulses. The shaft, on which the wheel is mounted, drives a standard electrical generator which lights an ordinary light bulb: The really interesting part comes next, because he then unplugs the electrical supply to the water pump and switches it over to the generator which the wheel is driving. The result is that the pump powers itself and provides excess electricity which can be used to power other electrical equipment. The arrangement is like this: Once again, conventional science says that this is impossible, which in turn, demonstrates that conventional science is out of date and needs to be expanded to include these observed facts. Permanent Magnets have continuous power. This should be obvious as one will support its own weight on the vertical face of a refrigerator, for years on end. Conventional science says that permanent magnets can’t be used as a source of power. However, the reality is that conventional science just doesn’t know the techniques necessary for extracting that power. The New Zealander, Robert Adams produced a motor which appears to be, typically, 800% efficient. This, of course, is impossible according to conventional science. Robert was told that if he shared the information, he would be killed. He decided that at his age, being killed was not a major thing, so he went ahead and published all the details. Motors driven by electrical pulses are always less than 100% efficient. The Adams motor looks like that sort of design but it is not. The motor power comes from the permanent magnets mounted on the rotor and not from an electrical pulse applied to the electromagnets attached to the stator. The magnets are attracted to the metal cores of the stationary electromagnets. This provides the driving power of the motor. The electromagnets are powered just enough to overcome the backwards drag of the magnets when they have just passed by the cores of the electromagnets. The system works like this: The magnets are attracted to the iron cores of the electromagnets, rotating the drive shaft and powering the motor. The moving magnets generate electrical power in the windings of the electromagnets and this power is used to charge the driving battery. When the permanent magnets reach the electromagnets, a small amount of electrical power is fed to the windings of the electromagnets in order to overcome any backward pull hindering the rotation of the drive shaft. When that power supplied to the electromagnets is cut off, the Back EMF pulse is captured and used to charge the driving battery. When operated in this way, the Adams Motor has a power output far in excess of the input power needed to make it run. The design confuses conventional science because conventional science refuses to accept the concept of energy flow into the motor, from the local environment. This is all the more strange, considering that windmills, water wheels, hydro-electric schemes, solar panels, wave-power systems, tidal power systems and geothermal energy systems are accepted and considered perfectly normal, in spite of the fact that they all operate on energy flowing in from the local environment. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that vested interests are working hard to prevent conventional science accepting the fact that free-energy is all around us and there for the taking. Perhaps it is the case that they want us to go on paying for fuel to burn to “make” energy to power our homes and vehicles. Another example of magnet power being used in the design of a powerful motor comes from Charles Flynn. He uses a similar method of electrical screening to prevent magnetic drag hindering the drive shaft rotation. Instead of using electromagnets, Charles uses permanent magnets on both the rotor and the stator, and a flat coil of wire to create the blocking fields: When the coil does not have current flowing through it, it does not produce a magnetic field and the South pole of the rotor magnet is attracted equally forwards and backwards by the North pole of the stator magnet. If there are two coils as shown below, and one is powered and the other is not powered, the backward pull is cancelled out and the forward pull causes the rotor to move forwards: Conventional science takes a quick glance at this arrangement and proclaims that the motor efficiency has to be less than 100% because of the large electrical pulse needed to make the shaft turn. This just demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of how the motor operates. There is no “large electrical pulse” because the motor is not driven by electrical pulses, but instead it is driven by the attraction of many pairs of magnets, and only a very small electrical pulse is applied to cancel the backward drag as the magnets move past. To put this in context, the powerful prototype motor built by Charles ran at 20,000 rpm and the power for the coils was supplied by an ordinary 9-volt “dry-cell” battery quite incapable of supplying heavy currents. The motor is easily made more powerful by using a stator magnet on both side of the rotor magnet, as shown here: There is no real limit to the power of this motor as layer after layer of magnets can be mounted on a single drive shaft as shown here: The electrical pulses to the screening coils can be synchronised by the light from Light-Emitting Diodes mounted in the timing section, shining through holes in a timing disc attached to the drive shaft of the motor. The light falling on light-defendant resistors on the other side of the disc, provide the switching for the coil-powering electricity. An alternative method is to skip the timing section altogether and provide the synchronising pulses from an adjustable-frequency electronic pulsing circuit. To start the motor, very slow pulses are generated to get the drive shaft moving, and then the pulse rate is increased to speed the motor up. This has the advantage of providing speed control which can be useful for some applications. Aerial systems. We are surrounded by so much energy that a simple aerial and earth connection can draw in very large amounts of electrical power from the local environment. Thomas Henry Moray ran frequent public demonstrations during which he lit banks of light bulbs to show that useful amounts of energy could be drawn from the environment: Moray’s device could produce output powers up to fifty kilowatts and it had no moving parts, just a simple aerial and an earth. In spite of the frequent demonstrations, some people would not believe that this was not a hoax, so Moray invited them to choose a place and he would demonstrate the power available at any location they wanted. They drove out into the countryside and picked a really isolated spot away from all power lines and the very few commercial radio stations in the area. They set up a very simple aerial estimated by one observer to be just fifty seven feet long and only seven or eight feet off the ground at its lowest point: The earth connection was an eight-foot length of gas pipe which was hammered into the ground. The bank of lights being powered by Moray’s device, grew brighter as the gas pipe was driven further and further into the ground, providing a better and better earth connection. Moray then demonstrated that when the aerial was disconnected, the lights went out. When the aerial was connected again, the lights were lit again. He then disconnected the earth wire and the lights went out and stayed out until the earth wire was connected again. The sceptics were completely convinced by the demonstration. Moray’s is one of several excellent and very successful devices which I can’t tell you exactly how to replicate but the important point here is that a 57-foot aerial raised just 8-feet from the ground can provide kilowatts of electrical power at any location, if you know how to do it. Moray’s demonstrations were highly unpopular with some people and he was shot at in his car. He put bullet-proof glass in his car, so they came into his laboratory and shot at him there. They succeeded in intimidating him into stopping his demonstrations or publishing the exact details of how to replicate his aerial power system. Lawrence Rayburn of Canada has recently developed an aerial system with one part raised thirty feet above the ground. He powers his farm with it and has measured more than 10 kilowatts being drawn from it. Hermann Plauston has a patent which reads more like a tutorial on how to extract useful power from an aerial. He describes installations of his which produce 100 kilowatts of excess power as being “small” systems. Frank Prentice has a patent on an aerial system where he drives a wire loop alongside a long length of wire mounted just seven or eight inches (200 mm) above the ground. His input power is 500 watts and the power drawn from the system is 3,000 watts, giving an excess of 2.5 kilowatts: Nikola Tesla, probably the most famous person in the free-energy field, has a patent on an aerial system which uses a shiny metal plate with insulated faces as the main component of his aerial. As is common in this field, a high-quality capacitor is used to store the energy initially and then that power is pulsed through a step-down transformer which lowers the voltage and raises the current available, as shown here: Tesla Coils. Instead of using an aerial, it is possible to use a Tesla Coil which produces very high currents if the primary winding is placed in the middle of the secondary winding and not at one end which is the usual configuration. Tesla directs the output on to a single metal plate and powers a load between the plate and the earth. Don Smith demonstrates this in a video currently on YouTube. He uses a capacitor made from two metal plates with a sheet of plastic between them, instead of Tesla’s insulated single plate. The load is powered between the capacitor and earth. The video shows Don using a 28-watt hand-held Tesla Coil and producing what looks like several kilowatts of power in the earth line. Don points out that the output power is proportional to the square of the voltage and the square of the frequency: So if you double the frequency and double the voltage there will be 16 times the output power. Tariel Kapanadze demonstrates this in a web video of his interview for Turkish TV. It shows him making an earth connection by burying an old car radiator, and then lighting a row of light bulbs from a Tesla Coil style fuel-less device. While the commentary is not in English, the video is very informative. You will notice that this is a substantial power output coming from a device built with a very basic style of construction where bare wires are twisted together to form an electrical connection. When the starting battery is removed, the equipment is held in the air to show that it is self-contained and self-powered. This is another confirmation that free-energy is all around us and ready to be taken by anyone who knows how. Tariel is seen here lighting a row of five light bulbs hanging from a broom handle placed across the backs of two chairs – not exactly a high-tech, high-cost form of construction this! You can still buy electricity if you want, me i dont any more! LOVEWORTH AYMHANS.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 11:42:27 +0000

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