Working with the theme of birth this week. Giving birth to - TopicsExpress


Working with the theme of birth this week. Giving birth to ourselves....This theme has been a reoccurring theme in my life, as I often feel we go through more than one birth in this lifetime. I also have the reason to believe that the way in which we are born actually had a deep and profound effect on our lives. The reason for coming to that conclusion comes from my own experiences..... Many years ago now, I was asked by a friend if I would volunteer to be a guinea pig for a homeopathic training group that she was involved in. Due to being on my own healing journey, even back then, I was more than happy to oblige. The session involved me talking to the group about a number of current issues that I may have been experiencing- as I spoke at some length of whatever was relevant at the time, the case was assessed and the correct remedy was administered. At that time I had no experience with homeopathy and even on taking the remedy I had no notion of what it was or what it was intended for. I jus so happened to be going away to Spain for a few weeks walking in the mountains and on my return to Ireland I passed through England and went to visit my Mother. It just so happened that during my visit I came across a card that gave details of my birth- I had been induced and had a forceps delivery! It never dawned on me that this information was in any way relevant to the remedy I had taken! On my return to Ireland I had a follow session with the group of Homeopaths and towards the end of the meeting I just happened to reveal my discovery. I was surprised when they all began to clap and cheer!!! What on earth was just so happened that this was proof to them that of the two possible remedies that had been indicated, they were now convinced they had given me the right one! The remedy related to the fact that I hadnt come into the World in my own time and a lot of my spiritual pursuits had indicated my longing to Go Back Home! It indeed was a deep longing within me to experience the light..... This set me out on a path of being so adamant that my Daughter who was in fact conceived around that time would be born naturally! It was some years later that I came a cross a Technique that I now use on people that helps to transform the patterns that were developed not only at the time of birth but also during our time in the womb. The Metamorphic technique recognises that whatever happens while in the womb has a lasting effect, and the way in which we are born sets up a pattern in how we respond to things in life! Hence my own longing for spiritual practises that induced the feeling of being back in the womb or even preconception. The gentle manipulation of the spinal reflexes on the Feet, Hands and Head actually help to transform these patterns allowing the life force of the person to do whatever is required. It is such a gentle, non-intrusive technique, that although gentle I have found to have profound effects. Some of the issues that it responds well too would be the energy we could well have absorbed from the Mother, as well as some of the trauma we may have experienced at birth. My own journey has been very much about Physician Heal Thyself All that I work with I have actually used in order to bring balance into my own life. The Metamorphic Technique takes just an hour, everybody experiences it differently as no two people have the same needs. There are no definite results but what I have found is that is has a transformative effect on peoples lives, it is often a real catalyst for change, most people who are looking for change will be attracted to this Technique. If you would like more information, feel free to call me or you can go to for
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 09:19:36 +0000

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