World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXVIII: As a - TopicsExpress


World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXVIII: As a continuation from my last blog whereby I believe the root of “World Peace” is centered on peace in the Middle East with the first step being negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I would like to remain objective and independent in my views such that I would like to today bring Iraq into my views as they seem to be the closest at this time to a full fledge civil war of rage like wild animals stuck together in a cage. However, it is important to note that Israel and Palestine seem to be awakening from their hatred induced coma state with the potential for peace negotiations to be resumed in the near future in the United States, while Egypt continues to operate in supremacy domination mode whereby the minority Christian military continues to hold on to power while the Muslim majority is fuming at the seams hoping to awaken from this horrible dream. As for the Syrians, both sides are still in an anger induced coma state for the mentally insane such that millions of Syrians continue to suffer each and every day. In terms of the Russians and Ukrainians, they seem to have entered into a political war game whereby neither party wishes to concede but rather seems to prefer to enter into a civil war and commit dirty deeds. While Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Syrians, Russians and Ukrainians continue along their respective paths toward enlightenment, it is now time for the Iraqis to be enlightened as to the path of quelling their current tensions before any more civil war breaks out which bears the risk of leading to a third and final world war on this earth, after which, there will be no place for anyone left to run. In summary, Observers around the world are stunned by the speed and scope of assaults on every major city in the upper Tigris River Valley, including Mosul, Iraqs second-largest city, by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. However, as the ISIS rebels extend their reach across Iraq, the U.S. Air Force was forced to intervene in order to prevent genocide while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki relinquished power on Thursday, August 14, 2014 ending eight years of tumultuous rule and opening a new political chapter that U.S. officials hope will move Iraq toward a more unified front against Islamic jihadists currently running wild and killing like bees stinging innocent human beings. Mr. Malikis departure achieves an Obama administration goal of a peaceful and democratic political transition, the first in Iraqs modern history, and opens the way for more U.S. military aid to Iraq. Unfortunately, the damage already done by the Islamic State (IS) cannot be undone, as IS militants have been accused of massacring hundreds of people in areas under their control in northern Iraq and eastern Syria. At least 80 members of the Yazidi religious minority are believed to have been killed with women and children abducted in a village in Iraq. IS is also accused of killing 700 tribesmen opposing them in Syrias Deir Ezzor province, over a two-week period. The violence has displaced an estimated 1.2 million people in Iraq alone. US aircraft are providing air support for Kurdish forces in northern Iraq to drive back the militants and retake the strategic Mosul dam. US Central Command said it carried out nine air strikes on Saturday, hitting targets near Irbil and the dam. The UK, Germany and other countries are delivering humanitarian aid for refugees in the north. Although IS first emerged in Syria, fighting President Bashar al-Assad during the ongoing civil war there, it has since overrun parts of northern Iraq, making its capital in the city of Mosul. Pursuing an extreme form of Sunni Islam, it has persecuted non-Muslims and Shia Muslims, whom it regards as heretics. Without getting into further excessive details, it appears to me that the U.S. air strikes resulted in IS backtracking slightly but refusing to change their Barbarian, Neanderthal, Self-Centered, Egotistical, Narcissistic, Masochistic, Sadistic and Idiosyncratic sociopathic and psychopathic maniac ways and returning to more civilized days. Therefore, in my opinion, the U.S. should continue with their targeted air strikes while the U.S. and its International allies should continue supplying Humanitarian Aid and Military Arsenal to the Iraqi Kurdish rebels as the Kurds seem to me, to be, the only paramilitary force in Iraq who are not afraid of IS and who seem to have warriors hearts of fire such that the Kurds are more effective then mercenaries for hire. That being said, given that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has resigned as a sign of respect and love for his homeland Iraq, Iraq has achieved an Obama administration goal of a peaceful and democratic political transition, the first in Iraqs modern history, which should open the way for more U.S. military aid to Iraq. In terms of Syria whereby IS is also accused of killing 700 tribesmen opposing them in Syrias Deir Ezzor province, over a two-week period, the U.S. should also coordinate air strikes on the IS in Syria whenever they cross the line of Genocide and Humanitarian Crimes of the Mentally Insane kind. Although IS first emerged in Syria, fighting President Bashar al-Assad during the ongoing Syrian civil war, the U.S. air strikes should not be seen as the U.S. taking sides between President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces but rather should be seen as the U.S. trying to control Genocide and Humanitarian Crimes of the Mentally Insane kind. In my opinion, the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces who follow a normal form of Sunni Islam and President Bashar al-Assad who follows a normal form of Shia Islam are both relatively normal in the grand scheme of things when compared to IS such that both forces should allow the U.S. and the International community to take targeted measures in Syria to stop the IS Genocide and Humanitarian Crimes of the Mentally Insane kind. In summary, I refer to “World Peace Lennon Ivan Style – XXXXXXXXXVIII” as the belief that Iraq and Syria need international support to stop the ISIS genocide and crimes of the mentally insane kind regardless of Sunni, Shia, Kurdish or other religious mix as ISIS slaughter must be nixed. John Lennon – You Cant Catch Me? youtube/watch?v=XBTX___KJSs August 18, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:00:12 +0000

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