World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXXXVI: As a - TopicsExpress


World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXXXVI: As a continuation from my last blog whereby I believe the root of “World Peace” is centered on peace in the Middle East with the first step being negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I would like to remain objective and independent in my views such that I would like to today bring Iraq into my views as they seem to be the closest at this time to a full fledge civil war of rage like wild animals stuck together in a cage. However, it is important to note that Israel and Palestine seem to be awakening from their hatred induced coma state with the potential for peace negotiations to be resumed in the near future in the United States, while Egypt continues to operate in supremacy domination mode whereby the minority Christian military continues to hold on to power while the Muslim majority is fuming at the seams hoping to awaken from this horrible dream. As for the Syrians, both sides are still in an anger induced coma state for the mentally insane such that millions of Syrians continue to suffer each and every day. In terms of the Russians and Ukrainians, they seem to have entered into a political war game whereby neither party wishes to concede but rather seems to prefer to enter into a civil war and commit dirty deeds. While Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Syrians, Russians and Ukrainians continue along their respective paths toward enlightenment, it is now time for the Iraqis to be enlightened as to the path of quelling their current tensions before any more civil war breaks out which bears the risk of leading to a third and final world war on this earth, after which, there will be no place for anyone left to run. In summary, Observers around the world are stunned by the speed and scope of assaults on every major city in the upper Tigris River Valley, including Mosul, Iraqs second-largest city, by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. However, as the ISIS rebels extend their reach across Iraq, the U.S. Air Force was forced to intervene in order to prevent Genocide while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki relinquished power opening a new political chapter that U.S. officials hope will move Iraq toward a more unified front against Islamic jihadists currently running wild and literally beheading “Infidels” like pigs without shedding a tear as blood spills out of their victims giving everybody creepy chills. On Sunday, November 16, 2014, the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) jihadist group carried out a series of air strikes overnight in the embattled Syrian town of KOBANE, a monitor and activists said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported intensifying clashes between Kurdish fighters defending KOBANE and ISIS jihadists in the south of the town, which lies on the Turkish border. Kurdish activist and KOBANE resident Mustefa Ebdi reported at least seven international air strikes overnight. Ebdi also reported on the clashes, saying the situation in KOBANE “has progressed from defense to attack because of the air raids and the support the Peshmerga and the Free Syrian Army (Arab rebels) are giving the YPG fighters.” U.S.-led air strikes, along with fierce fighting by YPG troops backed by around 150 Iraqi Peshmerga, have so far prevented ISIS from overrunning the town completely. The Observatory said Sunday that the toll since fighting began had risen to 1,153, including 27 civilians, 398 Kurdish YPG fighters, 16 non-Kurdish rebels backing the YPG and 712 ISIS fighters. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has now beheaded Peter Kassig, releasing a video Sunday showing a masked militant standing over the severed head of a man it said was the former U.S. Army Ranger-turned-aid worker, who was seized while delivering relief supplies in Syria last year. U.S. President Barack Obama confirmed Kassigs slaying after a U.S. review of the video, which also showed the mass beheadings of a dozen Syrian soldiers. Without getting into further excessive details, the U.S. and its International allies should continue with their coordinated air strikes with the Kurdish YPG, Kurdish Peshmerga and Free Syrian Army (FSA) as this approach seems to be working to hold back the ISIS fighters’ advance. In terms of the critical success factor to victory, which in my opinion is to arm the Kurdish (YPK & Peshmerga) fighters and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters with equal firing power to ISIS by giving them the necessary heavy military arsenal to strike ISIS head on, I do not see anyone yet putting their money where their mouth is such that once again I believe given that the real aim of ISIS is to replace the Saud Family from Saudi Arabia as the New Emirs of Arabia, it is now time for the Saud Family to step in, as they have the most to lose, but they also have the cash to bankroll the Kurdish and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters’ steam roll dash. It is important for the world to see that it is the paramilitary style of the Kurdish (YPK & Peshmerga) fighters and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters which is most effective now against ISIS as, with the US led air force bombing ISIS from above, ISIS has now changed their military strategy from traditional overt military shelling operations to covert street fighting paramilitary invasion style which the paramilitary Kurdish (YPK & Peshmerga) fighters and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters can withhold for a while. However, the turning point in KOBANE will only arise when the Kurdish (YPK & Peshmerga) fighters and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters are given the heavy military arsenal to strike ISIS head on and break the siege surrounding them on all sides with the old school philosophy that it is now the time to either do or die and not to run and hide. ISIS today is the most dangerous, lethal, heartless, viscous, savage and cancerous terrorist organization the world has ever seen such that there is an urgent need to back the Kurdish (YPK & Peshmerga) fighters and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters “Operation Clean”. In summary, I refer to “World Peace Lennon Ivan Style – XXXXXXXXXXXVI” as the belief that KOBANI Kurds & Syrian FSA need to be backed in their Operation Clean as ISIS is the most dangerous cancer the world has ever seen. John Lennon – Blackbird: youtube/watch?v=xKRv0M9pjg8 November 17, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 13:31:08 +0000

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