World War III has already begun.It is being fought out along lines - TopicsExpress


World War III has already begun.It is being fought out along lines of combat that are totally different from the two previous global conflicts of the 20th century. The key battlefronts according to Pentagon doctrine are things like Information Warfare, Cyber-war, assymetric warfare, psychological warfare and terms that the public has never heard before. Some of these terms are easy to translate from Pentagonese into standard English. Information Warfare or INFOWAR as it is generally called is about something that WE THE PEOPLE have become all too familiar with INFOWAR means that the national security state or the deep state as some folks prefer to label it completely controls the narrative through control of the mass media and other means of social communication. Such battle plans are highly advanced and rely upon much academic research spending by the Pentagon and the other agencies of the deep state. The topic of urban combat in the 21st century has been well covered by the article. It means that the actual physical battlefronts are now in Gaza, the Eastern Ukraine (Donetsk & Luhansk), and Ferguson MO. In essence US imperialism has declared war on the entire world but unlike the previous other two global conflicts this global conflict is a class war being waged by US imperialism of behalf of the international investor class or to be more precise that portion of international finance capital that has been able to hijack and assert control over the US political state in the same way that the 21 hijackers of three commercial airliners did on 9-11. The result for the American people will be the same if left unchecked. It might even be more appropriate to suggest that the new global war began in the first year of the new milenium with Dubyas declaration of unending war. Thirteen years later the list of countries and societies destroyed by US imperialism would include: Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia and now Ukraine. The deaths inflicted have been in the millions. These are some of the greatest war crimes in history and the only hope that the war criminals responsible for these crimes against humanity have to escape justice is to be continually raising the stakes with the ultimate threat being the Sampson Option of global nuclear war. The only real hope in all of this is the American people themselves who have opened a battlefront in Ferguson MO in defense of the lives of the people there seeking to defend themselves from the predations of a militarized police state. As can be seen at the actual battlefront there is an ongoing deadly war going on against the media. The US Constitution has been suspended as the Nazi like storm-troopers besiege the population threatening and arresting journalists working for such mainstream publication as the Washington Post and Al-Jazeera America. This is all part and parcel of the doctrine of INFOWAR aimed at controlling the narrative of events so as to be able to isolate and smother the popular rage in Ferguson MO. Only be seeing ourselves as part of a global fightback against the single greatest evil of our age, i.e; US imperialism can we hope to thus liberate ourselves and the world. The American people as the has consistently pointed out, is the sleeping giant of world politics. Based upon the unfolding of events in Ferguson MO, I think it is safe to say that the giant has begun to awaken. The struggle will be long and hard and no doubt that portion of international finance capital that controls the US national security state to the detriment of WE THE PEOPLE would prefer to reduce our planet to a radioactive ruin rather than face justice. That in and of itself should be all the more reason why this deadly class of class predators must be disarmed now before they can act in such a suicidal manner. The only real hope in this entire situation is the sleeping giant of world politics that has begun to awaken.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:46:41 +0000

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