World War Muslim Brotherhood I’ve been thinking now that - TopicsExpress


World War Muslim Brotherhood I’ve been thinking now that Egyptians are proving themselves as the amazing people who know creatively how to express themselves and speak loud and let the whole world hear them… why are they being split up?! Why do we let religion interfere with the political life?! These questions confused me to death but the only answer that I reached is personal ambition, self interests and benefits from authority. YEAH!! You can get people to hate each other by doing very simple things…Starting a rumor… Starting a debate… Starting confusion along the line… Asking are you Muslim? Christian? Jewish? And getting people to see their diversity is your best way … Burning a church and saying YEAH the Muslims are your number one suspects or a mosque and saying YEAH Christians could benefit from it… That’s how you get to your target and get people to hate each other just for things they couldn’t do. During elections you can go like, vote for this person if you’re a Muslim and earn heaven. Kill people because they are just against you. Atone community, Atone everything that just have different point of view. Because all what they want to do is to make Egypt a better place. To be proud of being an Egyptian. Wait, do you even know what’s Egypt? Egypt is the gift of the Nile. Formed from many different layers: Rich and poor, Muslims and Christians… People who have different political point of view. People who 2 years ago were together standing at the Tahrir square saying:” The people want to bring down the regime” from all their heart. They were the people who defeated the dictator, who said NO for the military rule. They were the people who showed the world what’s like to speak up for what you believe. That no blood should be spilt to prove a point. Yeah Muslim brotherhood, they represented democracy in its perfect way. Yeah Muslim brotherhood, they made peaceful demonstrations the way it should be done. Yeah Muslim brotherhood, they were the reason that you went from a banned group to a group who controlled more than 50% of the parliament. I won’t state your bloody history which started by murdering Hassan AlBanna, I think you know it much better than I do. And I won’t start by how you trade religion for satisfying your benefits. Or how you permit people’s blood. Or how you see that everybody’s wrong and that you’re the right ones. Or how you make Egypt look bad in front of the whole world. Or how you spread rumors. You know better that 30/6 was people protesting because they were done with your injustice. Wait, do you even know what happened? You were killing the Egyptian people slowly. Your perfect cold war by cutting down water and allowing a project that three previous presidents refused it. Muhammad Anwar AlSadat didn’t let Ethiopia even build a prototype for the Renaissance dam. A perfect cold war by cutting electricity along villages for 6 hours or more. A perfect cold war by letting an old man cry to death because he wants to eat and he just can’t find bread. What kind of people are you? Letting your minister harasses 2 female journalists live on air in a press conference. Gathering your people in buses to brain wash them. Suppressing people’s opinion and deciding who deserves god’s mercy and who doesn’t what do you expect? People were over saturated by your mental disorders. 33 million citizen across the country doing nothing but shouting “all the way down regime". People don’t want you ruling the country anymore. So they said it peacefully. When all the parties saw how dreadful the people are, how unequally they were ruled. They decided to figure out a solution to get this country to stand up. And they told your president to talk with the people. Calm them down, and reach a meeting point. Yet, you refused. You, your president and your Freedom and Justice party underestimated the masses. Leaving nothing but isolating you away from the political life. So this isn’t a coup. It’s people speaking up for their rights. After all of this, you still think that your president is the legitimate president? What do you know about legitimacy? It’s not just a word…it’s actions and your president lost it from the moment that he preferred you over his people. Still you are declaring war, your perfect world war on Egypt. Forgetting one little thing. Egypt is stronger than what you think. Egyptian people will never let you get away with suppressing them, making them hungry, and giving away their rights. And for what? For nothing but achieving your personal goals and interests… then congratulations you are never getting away with all your illegal actions. And what you think is right… is far away from being legal. If that’s your world war, then you did absolutely nothing but losing it. By Mariam El-Manawy mariam-elmenawy.tumblr/post/54696434642/world-war-muslim-brotherhood
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 00:37:32 +0000

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