World renowned Qi Gong Master Qi Feilong who was invited to - TopicsExpress


World renowned Qi Gong Master Qi Feilong who was invited to Harvard Medical school to demonstrate Qigong as an alternative therapy will provide free demonstrations of Qi energy at New Life Expo from October 17 to October 19 in New York and at West Coast Womens show from October 24 to October 29 in Vancouver. Master Qi use medical Qigong to detox, rejuvenate your body, improve children’s IQ and learn its self-defense application With Master Qi’s internal healing energy, he can set newspaper on fire, stop a clock, twist a steel spoon and break chopsticks with a $20 bill! Whether the concern is ADD, self-defense or total body health, you will learn how Qigong holistic therapies can help to restore and maintain total body health. Master Qi has demonstrated his special energy in America’s got talent and all producers love his demo. He has demonstrated in many expos and they were well received. If you need Master Qi’s help or have pain or cancer, please call us at 1 888 528 5287 or 917 701 1689. The schedule for Master Qis New York demonstration: 4 PM, October 18, 2014 at Madison Rm 18th FL 2 PM, October 19, 2014 at Madison Rm 18th FL 5 PM, October 19, 2014 at Madison RM 18th FL Great Master Qi provides holistic therapy for many diseases including back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, allergy, arthritis, cancers, diabe­tes, infertility, Liver, Lung & kidney diseases. He also works with children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. 國際奇人,疑难杂症痛症的福音及风水命理易经的专家齊飛龍宗師举行免費风水咨询讲座及义诊 也许您正经历疑难杂症癌症痛症的痛苦?您正在选择阴阳风水及商住风水布局,例如如何选择利于财运的房间颜色? 也许您孩子有多动症自闭症忧郁逆反心理?也许您有感情危机,想招财改运,解脱烦恼? 來自紐約的国际奇人齐飞龙宗师少林法号释德龙将于2014年10月17日至10月19日在纽约 Hotel Pennsylvania 的New Life Expo(地址: 18th Floor, 401 Seventh Ave., New York, NY, Booth 308), 及10月24日至10月29日在温哥华附近的Abbotsford参加West Coast Women’s show 举行免费风水讲座, 展示, 咨询,义诊。現在请拨打免费咨询电话1 888 528 5287 或917 701 1689或电邮feilongqi@yahoo预约。 齊大師此活动目的是為在打拼的華人帶來健康和長壽,通过风水布局带来好运,為癌症痛症患者解除痛苦,為青少年多動症自閉症的小孩恢復健康。讲座包括五千年易經風水大揭秘及感情合和的指点。機會難得,敬請把握。 上课日程: 4 PM, October 18, 2014 at Madison Rm 18th FL 2 PM, October 19, 2014 at Madison Rm 18th FL 5 PM, October 19, 2014 at Madison RM 18th FL 齐飞龙教授法号释徳龙傳授可以讓人美容,減肥,潤膚,強腎,返老还童,延緩衰老並長壽的秘傳功法, 齊大師強調腎強則命長,練習氣功可以使女同胞青春永駐。 運用氣功治療青少年多動症及精力不集中,激發潛能,開發青少年智力,打開鬆果體, 提高記憶力,開發未被使用的腦細胞。 運用氣功指壓點穴,草藥及氣功排毒,治療各種疑難雜症,改善體內環境, 達到陰陽平衡。包括各種腫瘤癌症痛症,皮膚病,糖尿病,高血壓,腎炎,肝炎,肺炎,肩頸痛,腰痛,關節炎,性病,不孕症, 失眠及花粉過敏。 开办以下课程:少兒智力提高開發班,癌症痛症康復班,男女回春養生班,減肥美容班。 风水命理,八卦神算和易经 “一命二运三风水四积德五读书六服饰”, 风水历来被奉为可以左右命运的法宝。风水,就是一种气场,它融合周边环境,建筑整体,内部装修,以及家具电器饰物,对人的健康、婚姻、感情、家庭、财运、事业等运势产生潜移默化的影响,这种影响的作用是无法用金钱来估量的。齐飞龙大师能够成功地以命相风水布局及风水策划服务帮助他的客户获得私人或企业上的成功。齐大师从事风水研究多年,有许多成功案例, 提供终身服务,并提供追踪风水服务,确定风水调整达到预期效果。齐大师是多家银行,基金地产大亨以及名人的风水顾问,其中包括国际警察基金会,荷兰银行等。同时也提供企业公司个人取名及改名服务,根据你的生辰八字帮您及孩子找到合适的名字,会得到事半功倍的效果。
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:55:01 +0000

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