World war When you hear those words, what comes too your mind? I - TopicsExpress


World war When you hear those words, what comes too your mind? I dont think you people understand the seriousness of this situation. United States has placed many sanctions on Russia for taking over Cremnia. Not only have we the united states place sanctions on Russia we also sent NATO troops which includes USA troops to participate in drills with eastern Europe due to the amid crises in Ukraine. Too make matters even worse Canada is sending jets too help the NATO troops in these Military drills in eastern Europe. I mean come on people multiple countries involved , escalating pressure , Military sizing up. Folks this is a chess game that can destroy , & kill alot of people. If one side makes the wrong move we will Avalanche into WW3. Open your mind. They distract you with bull shit and lies while they play war of the worlds with your Brothers , sisters, parents , uncles , friends lifes. Salute too all the military & service men & women. We dont need another war. We need too change our representatives. We need a new government. Our current government has failed us. #WakeUP #FreeYourMind #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourEyes #OpenYourMind
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:28:47 +0000

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