Worried by the security challenges in my dear country Nigeria, - TopicsExpress


Worried by the security challenges in my dear country Nigeria, that has led to mass murder of innocent Nigerians of all ages, ethnicity and religion which have almost defiled solution so much so that the country is in a state of anomie with highly traumatized and hopeless citizenry, I decided to research the spiritual explanation as to who is to be blamed; the leaders or the people themselves. This is what I got: Consider the wisdom of Allah as exemplified in letting loose an enemy of His to attack His creatures if the powerful persecute the weak, and the maltreated are not backed to get even with the oppressor. Also contemplate how Allah sends on people enemies that do to them as they did to the weak and to their subjects; it is exactly tit for tit! This is the way of Allah, from the day he created the world to, the day he folds back the earth, and brings it back to its first state. These are all manifestations of divine wisdom. Allah’s wisdom is even more illustrated when He deems that the kings, rulers and governor of humans should exactly correspond to people’s behavior! It is as if their deeds materialize into their governors and kings! If they behave well, their kings and governors will be upright and if they misbehave, so will their kings and governors. If they persecute others, their rulers will persecute them, and if they are crooks, so will be their rulers; if they hold back the due of Allah and behave miserly concerning that, their kings and rulers will hold back what is due to them and behave meanly concerning it. Whatever they extort from those weaker than them will be extorted from them by force at the hands of rulers. In this regard, their rulers, in simple terms, have been the crystallization of their behavior. I t is not probably right that wisdom should appoint as a ruler of the sinful and crooked, one who is different from them. For instance, in the case of early Muslims, they were the leading generations in devoutness and righteousness, and so were their rulers. In our time however, the wisdom of Allah denies us such rulers. Our rulers are rather our own character, just as the preceding generations had rulers of their own caliber. It can clearly be felt and seen that the character and conducts of the leaders and rulers in Nigeria are reflections of the character and conducts of the people themselves. Each time I think of the ongoing democratic governance in Nigeria and all the associated absurdities profoundly expressed by ethno-religious sentiments that, have gravitated into the prevalence ugly massive security challenges, the questions that normally crowd my mind are: is this how we are going to continue in Nigeria and transit to heaven with baggage full of confusion and contradictions? What would happen to the rulers and leaders that accepted out of their own volition to represent/rule us but ended up misruling and cheating us with impunity or even would those Nigerians, both mighty and small that allowed themselves to be used as accessories to vested interests by desperate politicians and other ungodly creatures in our mists ever be recompensed? And importantly, the mass murderers who barbarically murder innocent Nigerians daily, the miserable kidnappers, the baby factory and human trafficking kingpins and the ‘almighty’ oil thieves or even the election fraudsters; would they all end their satanic drama here just like living the rest of us cheated and violated? Would there not be other scenes where these characters would be made to face the consequences of their miserable conducts and criminal acts? Certainly there will be other scenes as evident in the philosophical theory of the great German philosopher- Imamnuel Kant; here him: “The play of this life is not complete; there must be a second scene to it, because, we see the tyrant and his victims, yet we do not see justice. We see the conqueror and the subjugated, without the later finding any revenge. Therefore there must be another world, where justice will be carried out.” Again on the same issue, an Arab poet has this to say: “If a Minister and his delegates rule despotically, and the judge on earth is unjust in his judgments, then woe, followed by woe upon woe upon the judge of the earth from the judge who is above.” And the Holy Quran rounded up the issue mightily as follows: The day will come when Allah will gather together the first of the creation and the last of it. The knowledge of this occurrence alone should reassure you of Allah’s justice. So whoever is cheated here shall find it there; whoever is oppressed here shall find justice carried out there; Allah says: “this day shall every person be recompensed for what he earned. This day no injustice shall be done to anybody. Truly, Allah is swift in reckoning.” Quran 40:17 Glory is to God that after all, there are other scenes where those who have, for selfish reasons brought our dear country down to its present helpless shameful position, would be recompensed for their miserable evils sooner or later. In this regard, not even repentance would save them as we wish that there should not be repentance before recompensed in this great cheat against humanity. I pray Allah (Glory is to Him) to in the spirit of the just ended holy month of Ramadan, unveil all the characters behind the ongoing security challenges in Nigeria and clutch them with the nemesis of their evils. HAPPAY SALLAH. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE TO BLESS NIGERIA AND NIGERIANS
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:29:16 +0000

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