Worried, then why Pray? Ever noticed that one of the greatest - TopicsExpress


Worried, then why Pray? Ever noticed that one of the greatest needs of mankind is the need to be Free from Stress, Anxiety, and Worry, although these fear mongers are not supposed to conquer us as believers, time after time they crawl into our lives, and we feel so defeated and guilty of failing GOD. - We space out Prayer for trying to guess the outcome or the future which only GOD knows. Our main weapon for all trials and temptations and uncertainty is PRAYER, PRAYER, which will always reach GOD and answered according to GODs Best Will for us. Someone has said: If we are going to worry why Pray...? - On the other hand; If we are going to Pray... Why Worry... We should not concern ourselves with the concerns of the world, our Trust should be in Christ, in Jesus Christ alone, but somehow and someway, we entangle ourselves in the affairs of this world and the levels of Stress, Anxiety, and Worry climb to an all time high. Matthew 6:25-34 - The Best not to worry verses in the Bible, verses we should read daily, more than once daily for that matter, and GOD will help us conquer these fears, and then 1 Peter 5:7 comes along and says: Casting all, yes all, your care upon the Lord for HE cares for you! So are we Praying without ceasing? - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Now read this and see how so many lives are lived in false worry: An average Believers Stress, Anxiety and Worry is focused on: (40%) of things that will never happen. (30%) of things about the past that cant be changed. (12%) of things about criticism by others, mostly untrue anyway. (10%) about health, which gets worse with stress. (8%) about real problems that we will face, only (8%)!!! Lets concentrate all our Praying Power on that small (8%) of our concerns, letting GOD take control of the other (92%) which in reality is the stress, anxieties and worries in our life, lets give these up to GOD, and let them go.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:33:54 +0000

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