Worship The One True God Because None is Worthy of Worship Except - TopicsExpress


Worship The One True God Because None is Worthy of Worship Except Allah! -------------- The History Channel - Christmas Unwrapped - The History of Christmas. https://youtube/watch?v=20PQPrHFjnA https://youtube/watch?v=SfbVBl8IU-0 -------------- CHRISTMAS AND ITS PAGAN ROOTS https://youtube/watch?v=O9h5humhhzw -------------- Christmas Holiday is Pagan! Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas. livescience/25779-christmas-traditions-history-paganism.html -------------- The Shocking Pagan Origin of CHRISTMAS! hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm -------------- Notice! Christianity took over the birthday of the sun god [Mithras], the cult of the sun [Saturnalia], and transformed it into CHRISTMAS DAY, the birthday of Yeshua [Jesus] the Messiah [Christ]! It was in reality the birth day of the pagan sun god, worshipped by millions throughout the Roman Empire! -------------- Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. -------------- Archive for Deus Sol Invictus Mithras Christmas: The Bizarre Metamorphosis of a Pagan Festival thearrowsoftruth/tag/deus-sol-invictus-mithras/ -------------- Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_Invictus Deus Sol Invictus or Unconquered Sun God (also in his solar [Sun God] character the BIRTHDAY OF MITHRAS). In the time of Constantine the cult of Deus Sol Invictus [Unconquered Sun God] was still at its height, and the portrait of the sun-god was on the coins of Constantine.... -------------- Indo-European deity Mithra, a god of light [Sun god] and loyalty whose cult was at the time growing popular among Roman soldiers, was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus [Unconquered Sun God] Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing, drunkenness, gambling and public nudity, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples. thearrowsoftruth/tag/deus-sol-invictus-mithras/ -------------- CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED – Exposing the Lies Surrounding the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ/ https://youtube/watch?v=hWtpXXMjIXw The Unwrapping of Christmas: Its History, Myths, and Pagan Traditions https://youtube/watch?v=EyvshyK4b7A
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:12:28 +0000

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