Worst Mother of the Year Award: Have you ever felt like the worst - TopicsExpress


Worst Mother of the Year Award: Have you ever felt like the worst mother in the world? Moms of so called regular kids go through it, but I think moms of special kids suffer from it ten folds more. Since I get so many wonderful comments on how great I am for doing what I do, making all these blankets and giving them away, it could go to ones head and it might make some of you really wonder about the real me. Im the real me, I am a good person, I have a great heart, I am happy, I am all that good stuff, but I also have won the Worst Mother of the Year Award. I am sharing so you will know that I am human and that I think all moms go through this and special needs moms even more. When our daughter, Shannon was six she started breaking bones, I mean a lot! We were in the ER so much with broken arms that I often wondered why they didnt call child services. I asked the doctor why she broke so much and he just said she was clumsy. Then she was in a very minor car accident and broke her back and neck in five places and someone said something was wrong. She was found to have Osteo Genesis Imperfecta, Tardi, (OI) or brittle bone disease, the tardi meant that she didnt start breaking until the age of six so it was not as bad as the children born with it and broke when you touched them. She broke 73 bones before she finished school, she was home schooled for two years because she was in a wheel chair because her legs were in braces. Now her brother, two years younger wanted to be in that wheel chair more then anything, the other anything he wanted more was a cast! He waned a cast more then anything, he kept telling us this or that was hurt and he needed a cast, but I was mom and knew he didnt. Then we took a trip to MI and both kids slept in bunk beds in grandmas house and Dwayne slept in the top bunk. He jumped down from bed one morning and hurt his ankle, came to us limping and telling us he needed a cast. Dwayne was always very dramatic so we ignored him as he limped the rest of the vacation. We returned home and he still limped so I took him to Shannons bone doctor and an x-ray showed his ankle was indeed broke, he got his cast and I got the worst mother of the year award, I let him walk around on a broken ankle for more then a week! I paid so much attention to one childs needs because she was special that I over looked the other child and his needs. So many of you are really great mothers, you have children with autism and you do everything to help them AND you have other children as well that need your attention, AND a husband (maybe), AND a home, AND maybe an outside job AND if there is any extra time you have yourself to take care of. There will be moments when you think you are he worst mother, times when you make mistakes, times when you do neglect everything else in your life when you live with autism, but that doesnt make you a bad mom! You are a great mom because you feel like a bad mom, you are a good mom because you are still there, fighting the fight everyday! We say Autism Awareness and Acceptance, and we all think about the kids, but I really feel that Kulture City extends to the whole family. When you give children a voice with an iPad or a weighted blanket you are not just helping that child, what you have given them touches the whole family. We accept our very special children, maybe we should also extend the acceptance to ourselves, that we are human and we get frustrated, we make mistakes, accept the fact that we all fall sometimes, accept that we all need help every now and then and understand that there is always hope.. If you are like me, you will win the worst mother award more then once in your children lives and guess what? When your kids are grown and on their own, you can still win that title, it never ends, we are moms! Cyndi
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:07:06 +0000

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