Worth Thinking About It! #worththinkingaboutit LET US ASK A - TopicsExpress


Worth Thinking About It! #worththinkingaboutit LET US ASK A DISCIPLE! DISCIPLE NUMBER 5 DISCIPLESHIP WITH BRO. JAMES- THE NEW MAN! Bro. Christiantoday: Hello Sir! I am grateful for the opportunity you have given us to spend some time with you. James: That is okay! Good to meet you too. Philip already informed me and I wasnt so sure you would be able to easily locate me. Bro. #Christiantoday: Why Sir? James: You know there are two James among the disciples even though the other James is either called James son of Alphaeus or Levi son of Alphaeus and myself. And again Jesus half-brother is also called James, wasnt a disciple during Jesus lifetime though. We have a couple of other guys with the same name too but I am James son of Zebedee the brother of John the beloved and I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. Bro. Christiantoday: I have heard some interesting things about you but first, how did you become a disciple? James: I met Jesus Christ while I was working as a fisherman. We were partners with Peter and Andrew. Jesus was like a thirst quenching water to me. I knew I was a fisherman and doing well but I wanted more. I knew that the Old Testament I had read were not mere stories but realities and I was sure it could happen in my time again. Right in-front of me- Jesus asked Peter to lower his net. And you remember what happened afterwards in Luke 5:1-10. Our boat and Peters boat was filled with fishes. We had both worked all night without a catch. Bro. Christiantoday: So the two of you experienced that miracle together? James: if you read that Luke 5 very well, you will notice there were two boats at the sea shore when Jesus came along. Peter asked us to come help with the miraculous catch and our boats started to sink. That was powerful and sincerely all I have been waiting for my whole life. Bro. Christiantoday: So why was that important to your submission to Jesus as a disciple? James: Jesus proved to me that words were still as powerful as the Sunday school teachers told me. I knew that if I could find someone who would show me how to connect with Gods word, I would live fulfilled. Bro. Christiantoday: But sir Jesus called you and your brother sons of thunder(Mark 3:17)? James: Yes, as a disciple, I longed for the raw truth of Gods word and wanted to see these words come alive but there was a problem. I assumed that the word of God empowers you for yourself but Jesus showed me that the word of God transforms a disciple into who God wants him or her to be. The word of God is not a ticket to satisfy self, it is to bring pleasure to God. Bro. Christiantoday: How do you mean or is it because Jesus rebuked you when you wanted to call down fire in Luke 9:54-56? James: Yes, a disciple without the word of God is displaced but a disciple who does not seek to bring pleasure to God always even by the revelations he or she has found in Gods word is an idol worshipper who thinks he now has become the power of God(Acts 7:10). Sometimes the word of God reveals who you are in God and if you are not careful, you will assume God has vacated His position and you now occupy it. But grace teaches that you were brought into Jesus Christ and it is always grace that keeps you there. Bro. Christiantoday: Are you saying if someone offends me, I cannot command they be consumed or what? James: Why would you say that? Who are you? A disciple is nothing without Jesus Christ. You represent Christ and whatever response you get is against Christ not you. Jesus said to me and my brother: You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them”. A disciple must have a change of nature too. The new man in us is not created to react but to respond. Bro. Christiantoday: Now this is getting serious- a disciple responds not react? James: When you respond- you are replying your situation with the word of God alone. When you react- you are replying with your flesh. Jesus never stopped saying to the people who attacked him; it is written. That was what he always does- He will always responds and so could not be defeated until He fulfilled His purpose. Bro. Christiantoday: Do you mean if I begin to pray someone dies now so I can occupy their position or that my neighbour who has offended me should be taught a lesson- I AM WRONG? James: You are a disciple because you have a master who you are going to be like. If you do not do things the way the master wants- you have chosen your own master. It doesnt matter what label he carries or title or how many times he calls the name of Jesus when praying- that man you follow n principle and pattern is your master not Jesus christ. When you are His disciple- your goal is to be like Jesus Christ alone. He responded with the written word. Some people ask you to pray with them and if you ask them what the word says about them, they dont know. Prayer is the declaration of Gods will(1 John 5:14). Bro. Christiantoday: What if they just prophesy to me? Is that not the word of God? James: Prophecy from their mind or flesh that you will bury your enemies? Why do you want to do that when in the presence of your enemies, He promises to prepare a table(Psalm 23). You see you need to understand- any prophesy that does not originate from the word of God even if it seems positive, is from the human mind. The word of God itself is a prediction of your life now and the future. And when any word is taken from the scriptures, it is programmed by God to come alive and establish the will of God. Bro. Christiantoday: That means the word is given to reveal Gods will nor mens desire. James: Yes, the Will of God in your life or on earth. It is not to make you worship the Pastor nor lead you to become an idol which everyone must bow to. Discipleship from what Jesus revealed must: 1. Be formed by the fulfilment of Gods word alone not charisma and denominational affiliations. 2. Seek to establish the will of God and bring pleasure to God alone not gratify self desires. 3. Change our nature to Jesus own nature- which is the word becoming flesh. The word alone is the new description of who a disciple shall become and not a denomination or follower of the General overseer. Bro. Christiantoday: Thank you so much sir. We are grateful. Shalom! James: Shalom and please live as the new man whose desire is to bring the will of God down and not call down some fire to show you have what the rest of the world doesnt have. It is about Jesus and His spirit. #Shalom! (c) Bishop Ponle Alabi #copeainc
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:42:26 +0000

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