Worth reading. Far too many progressives and even some - TopicsExpress


Worth reading. Far too many progressives and even some revolutionaries still think when it really gets bad people will rise up and overthrow the system and, frankly, we have to rid ourselves of that idea. We live in a world where our corporate rulers control the media, own the politicians who get media time, and invade all of our lives every waking minute thru ads and controlled news that is very easily (and usually is) slanted to persuade us that someone else is the problem. Many are not fooled by this, but when the system collapses and the world most workers live in folds in on us and creates desperate times, many, if not most, of us can be easily manipulated into believing that someone else of our very own class is to blame for our misery. People make revolutions when there is a sense of hope, when we believe that we CAN make change, when we have some small victories that teach us that larger victories are possible by standing with each other and not against each other. Some may disagree with me, but the potential for fascism in hard times is at least as great, if not greater, than the potential for revolution. I dont have the answer (and I dont think any other person or party does either) to avoiding this backward step, but I know the possibility is real and we must not fool ourselves into thinking that misery is the mother of revolution. alternet.org/economy/paul-krugman-how-soaring-inequality-may-lead-world-down-path-fascism?akid=12645.240839.d0VHGz&rd=1&src=newsletter1029641&t=1
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:47:19 +0000

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