(Worth the read) Many among Christ’s hearers who were dwellers - TopicsExpress


(Worth the read) Many among Christ’s hearers who were dwellers at Jerusalem, and who were not ignorant of the plots of the rulers against Him, felt themselves drawn to Him by an irresistible power. The conviction pressed upon them that He was the Son of God. But Satan was ready to suggest doubt; and for this the way was prepared by their own erroneous ideas of the Messiah and His coming... Many who were convinced that Jesus was the Son of God were misled by the false reasoning of the priests and rabbis... God does not compel men to give up their unbelief. Before them are light and darkness, TRUTH and error. It is for them to decide which they will accept. The human mind is endowed with power to discriminate between right and wrong. God designs that men shall not decide from impulse, but from weight of evidence, carefully COMPARING SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE... Many are deceived today in the same way as were the Jews. Religious teachers read the Bible in the light of their own understanding and traditions; and the people do not search the Scriptures for themselves, and judge for themselves as to what is TRUTH; but they yield up their judgment, and commit their souls to their leaders. The preaching and teaching of HIS WORD is one of the means that God has ordained for diffusing Light; but we must bring every man’s teaching to the test of Scripture. Whoever will Prayerfully study the Bible, desiring to know the TRUTH, that he may Obey it, will receive divine enlightenment. He will understand the Scriptures. “If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know of the teaching.” John 7:17... Those to whom the message of TRUTH is spoken seldom ask, “Is it true?” but, “By whom is it advocated?” Multitudes estimate it by the numbers who accept it; and the question is still asked, “Have any of the learned men or religious leaders believed?” Men are no more favorable to REAL GODLINESS now than in the days of Christ. They are just as intently seeking earthly good, to the neglect of ETERNAL RICHES; and it is not an argument against the TRUTH, that large numbers are not ready to accept it, or that it is not received by the world’s great men, or even by the religious leaders... Their pretended reverence veiled a deep-laid plot for His "Jesus" ruin.... Jesus arose, and looking at the woman said, “Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” DA. Among The Snares Pg. 457, 458, 459, 460, 461
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 13:34:14 +0000

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