Worth the read.. a moving story of love and devotion and Hope. - TopicsExpress


Worth the read.. a moving story of love and devotion and Hope. And you might fit in here, somewhere.. so please read on... It is a New Year, and a good time to talk about Hope - a most amazing and inspiring pup!! Many months ago, this brave, loving girl had reached the end of her life. She had been hit by a car, and picked up by Palm Beach County Animal Control. Not only was she suffering from scrapes and bruises.. Upon examination, it was discovered that she had heartworms. Humane euthanasia seemed to be the answer. But Destiny for Dogs, a dog Rescue, felt differently. ----- Time was not on Hopes side, however. She was already in the Clinic, being euthanized. She had already been given the injection to sedate her, and was about to be given the injection that would end her life. She was on the table, with someone holding her (as they do, to give the pup some comfort), and in a moment, her life of suffering would be over. Destiny for Dogs got through, at the last possible second, and halted the procedure. At the end of the day, after she came out of sedation, she went to the home a loving foster.. and her new life began. ----- Some may feel that a pup with so much going against her.. 5 yrs. old, worn from a life on the streets, hit by a car, and now, heartworms.. that, maybe, she should be released from her misery. But Destiny for Dogs felt that a pup like Hope, who had known such despair, should be granted the blessing of knowing love and feeling joy.. that this sweet soul should not leave this life, without having this chance. And more than that, they felt she absolutely deserved it. ----- Hope began the journey of being loved and cared for.. for the very first time. Realizing what a ball is for (yes, she even had to learn what it meant to play!).. Discovering that water and food were there, waiting for her.. in a bowl! She didnt have to go hungry and scrounge for it. But, unfortunately for Hope, her journey also included mounting medical issues that she would have to overcome. In addition to healing from being hit by car, and having to undergo extensive treatment for advanced heartworm (which she couldnt even begin until she was treated for raging infection).. It turned out that she also required eye surgery to repair a detached retina, only to lose the eye months later.. having it removed as a result of Glaucoma. ----- Destiny for Dogs, and Hopes devoted foster rose to the occasion. Whatever Hope needed, she got. Destiny for Dogs did not waste time to raise funds, even though they were not in the position, financially, to take on the huge costs. They dug deeply into their reserves, so Hope would get the best medical treatment possible, as quickly as possible. ----- Happily, Hope is now !00% healthy. She is a new girl! She is a pup that mattered, and went from having no one to care about her.. to having an entire team of amazing people devoted to her recovery and to her being a happy, thriving pup, in every way!! Aside from lots of love and play, she has also received top-notch, state-of the-art training - so she could be the perfect pet she is today!! Hope is ready, now, for her next journey.. and that is to a loving, forever home. To belong to someone, and for that someone (or family) to belong to her!! ----- Hope has been living in boarding for many months now. (One of her foster moms pups was not keen on having her in their home.. but her foster has remained completely devoted to Hope, visiting her ALL the time, taking her on walks and special trips. And even bringing her to stay for the weekend.. finding somewhere else for her own pup to stay, so she could have this time with Hope!) ----- As good as life has gotten for Hope, she has still never known her own home. She has still never known that wonderful, magical world of belonging.. being part of a family. She did not go through EVERYTHING she has gone through to live in a kennel. We are hoping there is someone out there, who reads this and realizes that they are the next step in Hopes journey. That they can be her family. ------------------------- ABOUT HOPE: ------------------------- She is an absolute delight!! A warm, loving girl! Has a HUGE heart!! Very affectionate!! Will curl up in your lap if you let her. Hope will be the most loyal, devoted pup you will ever know. Its as if she knows that belonging to you is the missing piece. She is the kind of pup who will come to mean so much to you, that she will be a defining part of the years ahead, that you spend together. She has a soul that is bigger than the world. You will see what I mean. Aside from all this, she LOVES to play.. would make a GREAT family dog, as she loves everyone she meets. Although she has done well in her training.. on how to be with other pups, she would most likely do best as an only pet. That way, she can get ALL of your love!! Oh yes, one more thing, she is a VERY smart girl!! And she is completely crate- and house-trained! IN SHORT, SHE IS READY TO GO!!! ----- If you can provide the wonderful home that Hope is craving, it doesnt matter where you live!! (in the whole country.. Canada too!) Destiny for Dogs will get her to you!! Call them about Hope: 561-313-2005. Or email: joann@destinyfordogs It just may be.. that you will become a part (the biggest part!) of this amazing story!! The part where, after all this, Hope FINALLY finds a home!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:36:46 +0000

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