Would a Christ-honouring Christian tell her listeners Im NOT - TopicsExpress


Would a Christ-honouring Christian tell her listeners Im NOT asking you to be a Christian??? Charisma news states She boldy confesses Christ. Really? WHERE is the evidence that she boldly confessed Jesus Christ is Gods Son, who is Lord, that His shed-blood and grace are the ONLY atonement for sin and there is salvation in no other? ** Jesus said, He that confesses ME (not spiritual consciousness) before men, him will I confess before My Father (Lk 12:8, Matt 10:32). Oprah asked the thousands gathered Do you want to be blessed? And then her quest of honour was a pagan new-age self-help guru, Deeprak Chopra! - The LORD Jesus Christ, however, said As the branch CANNOT bear fruit unless it abides in the vine, then neither can you unless you abide in ME. For without ME, you can do nothing (Jn 15:1-5)...did Oprah teach THAT? Q. To WHAT does Oprah attribute her success? A. I wouldnt be who I am today without a spiritual consciousness, without spiritual values and ultimately without spiritual love, Q. Is this new-age confession of crediting, NOT the PERSON Jesus Christ, without whom we can do nothing (Jn 15:5), or the grace of God (1 Cor 15:10), but just spiritual consciousness/values, truly evidence of boldly confessing Christ? THAT is what the so-called Christian Post and Charisma News herald as public confessin of faith IN Jesus? ...are THEY Christian???? Q. HOW does a true believer in Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY way to the Father, publicly state I respect all faiths. AAAAALLLLLLLL faiths??? ...So Oprah respects faiths which DENY Jesus is Gods Son? Or Lord? Or deny His atoning-death and resurrection? Or deny the existence of one God? ...if she does, she HAS denied THE FAITH once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). But if we OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN preach any other gospel than the one you received, let him be eternally cursed when the Lord comes (Gal 1:5-6) May God give light.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:44:10 +0000

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