Would it be presumptuous to speak well of you today? Would it be - TopicsExpress


Would it be presumptuous to speak well of you today? Would it be alright with you if things began to work out for you? All callings and commissions are given by Yah and He will provide! Believe in Yahweh Elohim and you will be established. Believe His prophets and you will prosper. The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel. Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men. Love Elohim with all of your heart, your mind, your emotions and your strength and apply that love toward Yah to men, for He that created you, loves those that He has created. If you love me, keep my commandments. I hear the word in my spirit. I hear Him speaking to me and for that I am so very grateful. What is man that Yah would speak and visit us? Who am I that you would trust me with revelation in your word? Who am I that you would trust me with your people, your creation? Trust in YHWH with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. There is therefore, now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, (Moschiach Yahshua) for the law of the Spirit of Life in Moschiach Yahshua has made me free from the law of sin and death. In Him we live, move, breathe and have our being. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Without Him, we can do nothing. All good things come down from the Father of Lights, in whom there is no variableness, or shadow of turning. And I say of Yahweh, you are my refuge, my fortress, my Elohim. I put my trust in you alone. When I am weak, He is strong. I choose to place the full armor of God on today, but I do not wrestle against men. I wrestle in the realm of the Spirit and I fight to win. I fight the good fight of faith, speaking well of others and calling into existence that which should be. I am made in the image of YHWH and I create. For as I think, so am I and out of the abundance of the heart, my mouth speaks. I bless you. Beloved, above all things I wish that you prosper and are in good health even as your soul prospers. Beloved, it does not yet appear what you shall be, but when He becomes real to you, you will see Him as He is and you will be like Him. Be not deceived, for what you put into this effort of transformation will not be wasted, you will reap an eternal harvest in due time. So, be not weary in well doing. Count it all joy. Be of Good Cheer. Stretch forth your hand. Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. And Go into all the world declaring the Truth, declaring Yahshua is YHWH, declaring that the Spirit of YHWH is upon you and that you are anointed to set people free. You are truly a carrier of the eternal Love that never fails. You have the Gospel -- the Word of Life. You have abundant life and you must believe that Yahs word will not return void. You know that it must accomplish its intended purpose. So, intentionally speak it on behalf of those that you discover in a fault. Restore them in the spirit of obedience, for Yah requires obedience and not sacrifice. Carry the burdens of others and fulfill the instruction of the Anointed One(s). For we are not ashamed of the gospel of Yahshua ha Moschiach for it is Elohims power unto salvation, (victory, deliverance -- Yahshua himself) for everyone that believes it. Fear not. Believe only. Believe and speak. For the Word of God is alive. It is powerful and will cut out all doubt and unbelief and has the ability to show truth from lies even to the core of intention. Stir up the gift that is within you, the gift that is even being bestowed to you by this writing and remember that Fear does not come from God. He didnt give it to you. He has given you power and authority, compassion and mercy and wisdom and balance. He has given you Himself and He has been made unto you redemption, wisdom, sanctification and more than that He has given you access to resources that you need only to learn to trust to access. Always remember that faith/trust comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And keep in mind that Yah intended for you to partner with the bringer of that Word -- the teacher, preacher, pastor, prophetic voice, apostolic builder, evangelist - so that you will have a true reverence for His Word, for you cannot love Yah without loving those who lay down their lives to bring His Voice and His Truth into this earthly, physical realm. I beseech you my brethren, from my place of purposed service that you present yourselves, once again or maybe for the first time, a living sacrifice unto Yahweh. Turn from your ways and come back to a life where Yahweh, His Kingdom and His righteousness are your priority. He is able to make all grace abound towards you, but He requires your obedience. You have not because you ask amiss. Though I may be the chief sinner, I am compelled to remind you to find a church, a community of believers where the Word of Yah is honored and where miracles manifest. Once you find it, attend and participate in a habitual fashion. Get back to the basics of prayer, fasting, giving and helping. Be not high minded. You are not above the assembling together of like minded faith. So, I do not judge you, for I am not the judge. My Father is the husbandman, I am but a branch in the True Vine. I flow love and life to those that produce Kingdom Fruit. I wince when my Father chooses to cut off the fruitless. i wince when he prunes and purges me. But it doesnt stop me from forgiving others and myself so that His forgiveness, mercy and compassion can flow through me to others. He has cleansed me. I have been made clean by His volition. He speaks. I believe and receive. I stand in constant amazement that He chooses to work with and through us. How may we serve you? We have events coming up. They will be sent to you and I urge you to attend. I am working to build a Cable Company that will air ministries at no cost to them. I am working to build a curriculum, I have titled Higher Purpose that will be launched through a conference platform in secular venues. Daily, I add to the Vine through discipleship and sanctify myself so that we develop prolific believers -- believers who produce real believers. I have had to be bold and preach stronger than some would like, but I refuse to produce fake believers or Christians without faith. Truly, it is an honor to serve you. There is no greater love than to lay my life down for His friends, which are my friends. Yahweh is my light, and my salvation. Whom shall I fear, for there is no depth, nor height nor span of sea that can separate me from His love. I seek the honor that comes from Yah only. I seek not the wisdom of men. My will is to do the will of the Father and His will for me is to love you by bringing you His word and compelling you to be Fishers of Men. The Time is Fulfilled. The Kingdom is at Hand. Repent and believe the Gospel. I look forward to seeing you soon. I expect to hear from you. Send in your financial support as we contend for His Righteousness in a sea of self righteousness. I promise that His Word will be taught and signs will follow. I commit to running my race and to bid others to come. Come out of the World and step into the Light. Refuse to serve the World system (manna) and come to the Master Yahshua. He is the Way. He is the Truth and He is Light. He is the transforming Resurrection and He is Life itself. He is Love and He wants to give you the Keys to His Kingdom. I stand at my post. Awake, I keep watch. I am high in my tower, listening carefully for what He will speak to me and I guard my heart to keep it soft and obedient. I may speak boldly to you, but I do so in His authority and by His direction - not out of any agenda of my own. I will add to His church today. I will deny myself and pick up my cross. Oh for the joy that is set before me. Oh for the joy that is set before me. Oh taste and see that Yahweh is good. I give thanks. Greet the fellow believers with encouragement. Admonish them to come back to the daily task of building His kingdom as a community. Express your love and compassion with your words with pure intentions. Feed the poor. Care for those who cannot care for themselves and remember to pray without ceasing. I am flying to Fort Worth today to meet with other leaders in the Faith. Last week I was in Virginia Beach, Virginia doing the same. I will be in Atlanta, Chicago, New Haven and Minneapolis over the next 12 days and will see leaders there. I am bringing tools to serve them. I am sending word to ministries in New Orleans, Branson, Houston, San Antonio, New Jersey, New York City and in other places -- telling them of a new tool to publish the gospel at no cost to them -- reaching a global market -- and giving people an opportunity to view television without the stain of base and callous programming. Support us. Partner with us. Lay up treasure for yourself. I will speak well of you whether you partner with us or not, but partner with us so I can shout His goodness through you with greater impact. Choose this day - life and blessings and make that life abundant. Make sure that you and your house are serving YHWH. Much love, In His service and yours, Sincerely, Dan Stratton
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:07:39 +0000

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