Would like to say BIG thanks to everyone on this list for your - TopicsExpress


Would like to say BIG thanks to everyone on this list for your kinds words and hope many more to come... see you all on the hills soon peace Patrick Lawless – 5 star Great group, great routes, great company! Rene Borg –5 star Juju is doing great work advertising the benefits of trail running to newcomers to the mountains. In and around Glendalough he has some of the best and most scenic trails available. He loves the activity which is an excellent starting point for people new to the sport. Shane Califf – 5 star Awesome group Paul Mahon – 5 star Ju Jus MSR group is a great way to get out on the trails of Wicklow and enjoy the benefits of trail running in a friendly group of like minded people. Always a good variety in the standards within a group so you are sure to have some company to enjoy the scenery with. Good luck Ju Ju with your future runs and the navigation courses you are organising. Dave Higgins – 5 star Stephen Brennan – 5 star Mud Sweat and Runners are a great bunch of people to go hill running with around Wicklow. The guys upfront push the pace while Juju makes sure no one gets left behind. The runs are always great fun for everyone. Wayne Driscoll – 5 star Jason Waters – 5 star Theres only one thing I love more than walking in the wicklow mountains and thats running in the wicklow mts, and I can honestly say the best way to experience this obsession is with juju jay and mud sweat and runners. Theres a great atmosphere on all his runs with a huge helping of fun thrown in for good measure. Nowadays with hard times everybody is looking for good value well you cant get better value for money here,its all FREE!!!!! The company, his experience, advice and great trails with stunning views. I highly recommend mud sweat and runners as a great running group. Robert Downer –5 star Neil Kelders – 5 star As the owner of a fitness business I dont often get the chance to join groups to run etc. But having heard about MSR and JuJu, I made sure to get my ass to Glendalough and get out with a group of like minded people. For once not having to lead a group was a very enjoyable experience and being part of this very social and welcoming group was a pleasure in itself. JuJu has great knowledge of the area and has identified great routes for all levels.His continuous hard work for the groups puts even me to shame :) It is my aim to get a few runs in before the Kerry Way Ultra...Thanks JuJu Ken Cowley – 5 star What a great idea! JuJus group is the real deal, and Id highly recommend it to anyone who wants to try out some trail running, either at beginner level or for experienced runners who want to move from the park/roads to the hills. Good fun, good scenery, and lots of chances to learn great off-road routes and even some navigation! John Kelly – 5 star James Cahill – 5 star Jujus Mud Sweat and Runners Running Group is suitable for mountain running newbies and more experienced mountain runners. Juju brings groups on runs ranging from introductory shorter runs right through to 50km plus ultr runs. The company is always great and Juju knows the mountains like the tattoos on his arms. Mud Sweat and Runners goes from strength to strength and long may it continue. Well done Juju Jay Keith Mulvey – 5 star Glad to be part of the community that is MSR. Travelling from Meath as weve only got baby hills there, its super travelling to escape into the Wicklow mountains for various fun challenges with a like minded friendly and encouraging group. Looking forward to many happy-hills, monster descents, sharing stories, and having plain good fun! Thanks Ju Ju. Deirdre ORiordan – 5 star Running with JuJus group is like being a kid again, when only the moment counted, when running downhill was scary but exciting at the same time, when you felt that if you could reach your arms out far enough as you ran you could almost swear your feet just lifted off the ground and you could fly...when running through muck and getting dirty was a dangerous joy, shared and laughed over with equally mucky friends....rapturous, glowing faces turned towards the evening sun...hot and sweaty...mucky and sometimes bloody...breathing heavy, lungs bursting, hearts pounding and feeling fully,truly, ecstatically ALIVE!! Flora McKnight – 5 star Muddy trails, sweaty faces and runners who love to run. This is not a running club. This is a way of life - a great life! Niall Corrigan – 5 star No matter who you are or what your experience, running the beautiful trails and hills of Wicklow and beyond is a wonderful pleasure that will leave you wondering why you ever run on the roads at all. But heading out there on your own can be a daunting experience. Thats where JuJu and his group of like minded adventurers come in. Relaxed group runs pitched at every level from beginner and beyond. No one gets left behind, no racing (well not too much) and loads of motivation. You also get to meet other runners and learn from their experiences, get tips on gear, get a chance to learn a bit of navigation if you need it. I did my first group run with JuJu in November 2012, a gentle 6k that was a big deal for me at the time. Now Im running ultra marathons and I put a lot of that progression down to getting out there with JuJu and other great runners who put ideas in your head and confidence in your legs. Get out there. Derek Cullen – 5 star Jujus MSR running group is inspiring.. Fantastic scenery, brilliant routes, great craic among fellow runners combined with Jujus infectious love of trail running make this a perfect group for anyone from those new to running like me to those who are very experienced..Ace!!!! Teena Gates – 5 star Hiking, mountains, new friends, doggies, lavender, lotus flower, chickpeas, flames, green caterpillars, thunder, art, rivers, rain & rainbows... So many good memories from my 1st camping trip with MSR - I feel a blog coming on ;) Brian Ó Murchú – 5 star ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ is a Lao Tsu quote featured by Mud Sweat & Runners (MSR) group. A quote which catches my attention, in one sense that great things can be achieved by starting with small steps. I’ve always enjoyed running and have recently discovered the added enhancement of the experience of running in the hills and mountains of North Wicklow. In my opinion the more you enjoy something the more motivated you become to undertake that activity. Only an hours drive from Dublin city centre is the ancient monastic settlement of Glendalough. Often the meeting point of many MSR group runs. The experience of the hills of North Wicklow allows a contrast to the city that gives plenty to talk about. I enjoy running most as a social activity and my philosophy is that if you can’t talk, you’re going too fast. JuJu Jay has been making quite a name for himself with his infectious enthusiasm, outgoing generosity, facilitating an outlet for social runs in the hills via MSR. With various distances, people from differing abilities and backgrounds, the diversity of the group share a common enjoyment of hill and trail running. The website and Facebook group is regularly updated with upcoming events, interviews, photos and more. It can be a first step into a journey which you may not want to limit with a mile count! Stewart Johnston – 5 star Another teriffic 33k run around the wikla mountains this morning with juju and the crew great banter as usual Laurence Briody – 5 star Was out with a group of MSR runners for a 50k plus run 2d. I had a fantastic day. Thanks Jay Eva Yvonne and all the runners. I have been in the wicklow mountains many times but the weather 2d was supper and the views were unreal... The views and the crack was class 2d.. look forward to the next.. Paul Sherry – 5 star Gareth Little – 5 star Dave Docherty – 5 star Juju and the MSR crew took me from being a lone, poorly trained and often injured runner, from the mean concrete jungle of Dublin City and introduced me to the splendour of the Wicklow hills and the tonic of nature. Since joining MSR I have become a skilled, strong runner and improved immensely in both technique and race times. I am rarely injured and when I am, I now have a network of pals willing to help me through it. This group of running nerds is passionate about what they do and they love to share their seemingly endless knowledge about the sport. For this group running is entirely a social activity, there is no competition, which creates a welcoming atmosphere to runners of all levels from fun runners to ultra maniacs. Jujus and other members knowledge of the trails is astounding. When on long group runs you get to parts well off the beaten track that most runners would never find. Group runs are all year round and run in all weather, day and night (head torches) and if youre worried about keeping up, dont. No man (or woman) is left behind on the mountain. Every race I run now I proudly pull on the MSR T-shirt, Im not just a runner, Im a trail runner. Hazel Kenny - 5 star First time out tonight and had a great time. Im looking forward to next week. Ju Jus Is a great mentor and everyone in group very friendly Tim Rowe –5 star I have now completed my second hill session with JuJu and Rene. Excellent warm up stretches and coaching during the hills repetitions and then a series of cool down stretches ensuring zero stiffness in the morning. So after three weeks I am running each day without a hint of an I jury. This is excellent thanks MSR.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 18:50:00 +0000

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